#!/usr/bin/env python3
# --------------------( LICENSE )--------------------
# Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Beartype authors.
# See "LICENSE" for further details.
Beartype **exception hierarchy** (i.e., public and private exception subclasses
raised at decoration, call, and usage time by :mod:`beartype`).
This private submodule is *not* intended for importation by downstream callers.
# ....................{ IMPORTS }....................
# WARNING: To avoid polluting the public module namespace, external attributes
# should be locally imported at module scope *ONLY* under alternate private
# names (e.g., "from argparse import ArgumentParser as _ArgumentParser" rather
# than merely "from argparse import ArgumentParser").
from abc import ABCMeta as _ABCMeta
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ mixins }....................
class _BeartypeHintForwardRefExceptionMixin(Exception, metaclass=_ABCMeta):
Mixin of all **beartype forward reference exceptions** (i.e., exceptions
concerning parent type hints containing one or more forward references to
child type hints that have yet to be declared).
This mixin enables internal logic throughout the :mod:`beartype` codebase to
conveniently, efficiently, and transparently handle *all* forward reference
exceptions -- including:
* :exc:`.BeartypeCallHintForwardRefException`.
* :exc:`.BeartypeDecorHintForwardRefException`.
# ....................{ SUPERCLASS }....................
[docs]class BeartypeException(Exception, metaclass=_ABCMeta):
Abstract base class of all **beartype exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised either:
* At decoration time from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator.
* At call time from the new callable generated by the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator to wrap the original callable.
# ..................{ INITIALIZERS }..................
# Note that this dunder method intentionally accepts both positional and
# variadic arguments to support transmission of exceptions by the standard
# "multiprocessing" package via the standard "pickle" module. See also:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/28335286/2809027
def __init__(self, message: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Initialize this exception.
This constructor (in order):
#. Passes all passed arguments as is to the superclass constructor.
#. Sanitizes the fully-qualified module name of this
exception from the private ``"beartype.roar._roarexc"`` submodule to
the public ``"beartype.roar"`` subpackage to both improve the
readability of exception messages and discourage end users from
accessing this private submodule. By default, Python emits less
readable and dangerous exception messages resembling:
@beartyped quote_wiggum_safer() parameter lines=[] violates type
hint typing.Annotated[list[str], Is[lambda lst: bool(lst)]], as
value [] violates validator Is[lambda lst: bool(lst)].
message : str
Human-readable message describing this exception.
All remaining parameters are passed as is to the superclass
:meth:`__init__` method.
assert isinstance(message, str), (
f'{repr(message)} not exception message.')
# print(f'{type(self)} message: {message}')
# If...
# Note that this logic unavoidably duplicates the body of the existing
# beartype._util.text.utiltextmunge.uppercase_str_char_first() function
# for safety. Attempting to call *ANY* beartype-specific callable
# (including that function) from within an exception initializer would
# invite a shocking calamity that would surely shatter the whole world.
if (
# This message contains at least two characters *AND*...
len(message) >= 2 and
# The first character of this message is lowercase...
# Then uppercase only this character for readability.
message = f'{message[0].upper()}{message[1:]}'
# Defer to the superclass constructor.
super().__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
# Sanitize the fully-qualified module name of the class of this
# exception. See the docstring for justification.
self.__class__.__module__ = 'beartype.roar'
# print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {message}')
# ..................{ DUNDERS }..................
def __str__(self) -> str:
Human-readable message describing this exception.
Note that this dunder method *should* be redundant. Since the
:meth:`__init__` method of this subclass explicitly passes this same
exact message to the :meth:`__init__` method of the :exc:`Exception`
superclass, there should be *no* need to expose this message yet again
by defining this dunder method.
Indeed, this dunder method *is* redundant for almost all edge cases --
except one. For unknown reasons, the standard :mod:`multiprocessing`
package renders a non-human-readable tuple rather than this
human-readable message when a Python subprocess forked by a
multiprocessing pool raises an instance of this exception resembling:
beartype.roar.BeartypeDoorHintViolation: ('Die_if_unbearable() value
\x1b[1m\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m violates type hint
\x1b[1m\x1b[32mtyping.List[str]\x1b[0m, as \x1b[1m\x1b[33mint
\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m not instance of
\x1b[1m\x1b[32mlist\x1b[0m.', (42,))
Clearly, this has something inexplicable to do with exception pickling
internally performed by the :mod:`multiprocessing` package. Just as
clearly, we have neither the inclination nor the patience to get to the
bottom of this. Indeed, this implementation is inspired by the standard
:exc:`subprocess.CalledProcessError` exception subclass -- which defines
the ``__str__()`` dunder method in a similar manner and (presumably) for
the exact same reasons. This is a mess that we want nothing to do with.
# Return the first parameter passed to the superclass __init__() method,
# guaranteed to be the desired human-readable exception message.
return self.args[0]
# ....................{ DECORATOR }....................
[docs]class BeartypeDecorException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype decorator exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at decoration time
from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator.
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ wrapp[ee|er] }....................
class BeartypeDecorWrappeeException(BeartypeDecorException):
**Beartype decorator wrappee exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator when passed a **wrappee** (i.e., object
to be decorated by this decorator) of invalid type.
class BeartypeDecorWrapperException(BeartypeDecorException):
**Beartype decorator parse exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on accidentally generating an **invalid
wrapper** (i.e., syntactically invalid new callable to wrap the original
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ hint }....................
class BeartypeDecorHintException(BeartypeDecorException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype decorator type hint exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at decoration time
from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable
annotated by one or more **invalid type hints** (i.e., annotations that are
neither PEP-compliant nor PEP-compliant type hints supported by this
class BeartypeDecorHintForwardRefException(
BeartypeDecorHintException, _BeartypeHintForwardRefExceptionMixin):
**Beartype decorator forward reference type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated by an
**invalid forward reference type hint** (i.e., string whose value is the
name of a user-defined class that has yet to be declared).
class BeartypeDecorHintTypeException(BeartypeDecorHintException):
**Beartype decorator class type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated by an
**invalid class type hint** (i.e., class invalid for use as a type hint,
typically due to failing to support runtime :func:`isinstance` calls).
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ hint : non-pep }....................
class BeartypeDecorHintNonpepException(BeartypeDecorHintException):
**Beartype decorator PEP-noncompliant type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated by an
**invalid PEP-noncompliant type hint** (i.e., type hint failing to comply
with :mod:`beartype`-specific semantics, including tuple unions and
fully-qualified forward references).
Tuple unions, for example, are required to contain *only* PEP-noncompliant
annotations. This exception is thus raised for callables type-hinted with
tuples containing one or more PEP-compliant items (e.g., instances or
classes declared by the stdlib :mod:`typing` module) *or* arbitrary objects
(e.g., dictionaries, lists, numbers, sets).
class BeartypeDecorHintNonpepNumpyException(BeartypeDecorHintNonpepException):
**Beartype decorator PEP-noncompliant NumPy type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated by an
**invalid NumPy type hint** (e.g., ``numpy.typing.NDArray[...]`` type hint
subscripted by an invalid number of arguments).
class BeartypeDecorHintNonpepPanderaException(BeartypeDecorHintNonpepException):
**Beartype decorator PEP-noncompliant Pandera type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated by an
**invalid Pandera type hint** (e.g., ``pandera.typing.DataFrame[...]`` type
hint annotating a parameter or return of a callable *not* decorated by the
PEP-noncompliant :func:`pandera.check_types` decorator).
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ hint : pep }....................
class BeartypeDecorHintPepException(BeartypeDecorHintException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype decorator PEP-compliant type hint
value exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at decoration time
from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable
annotated with one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating an
annotation-centric PEP (e.g., :pep:`484`) *or* this decorator's
implementation of such a PEP.
class BeartypeDecorHintPepSignException(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator PEP-compliant type hint sign exception.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at decoration time
from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable
annotated with one or more PEP-compliant type hints *not* uniquely
identifiable by a **sign** (i.e., object uniquely identifying a category
of PEP-compliant type hints).
class BeartypeDecorHintPepUnsupportedException(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator unsupported PEP-compliant type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints (e.g., instances or classes declared
by the stdlib :mod:`typing` module) currently unsupported by this
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ hint : pep : proposal }....................
class BeartypeDecorHintPep3119Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`3119`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`3119` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`3119`, including:
* Hints that are **non-isinstanceable classes** (i.e., classes that
prohibit being passed as the second parameter to the :func:`isinstance`
builtin by leveraging metaclasses overriding the ``__instancecheck__()``
dunder method to raise exceptions). Notably, this includes most public
classes declared by the standard :mod:`typing` module.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep484Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`484`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`484` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`484`, including:
* Hints subscripted by the :attr:`typing.NoReturn` type hint (e.g.,
class BeartypeDecorHintPep484585Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`484`- or :pep:`585`-compliant **dual type hint
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints violating :pep:`484`, :pep:`585`, *or*
this decorator's implementation of :pep:`484` or :pep:`585`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep544Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`544`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`544` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`544`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep557Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`557`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`557` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`557`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep585Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`585`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`585` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`585`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep586Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`586`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`586` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`586`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep591Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`591`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`591` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`591`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep593Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`593`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`593` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`593`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep604Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`604`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`604` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`604`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep612Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`612`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`612` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`612`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep646Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`646`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`646` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`646`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep647Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`647`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`647` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`647`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep673Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`673`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`673` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`673`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep692Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`692`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`692` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`692`.
class BeartypeDecorHintPep695Exception(BeartypeDecorHintPepException):
**Beartype decorator** :pep:`695`-compliant **type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable annotated with
one or more PEP-compliant type hints either violating :pep:`695` *or* this
decorator's implementation of :pep:`695`.
# ....................{ DECORATOR ~ param }....................
class BeartypeDecorParamException(BeartypeDecorException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype decorator parameter exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at decoration time
from the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable
declaring invalid parameters.
class BeartypeDecorParamNameException(BeartypeDecorParamException):
**Beartype decorator parameter name exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on receiving a callable declaring
parameters with **invalid names** (i.e., prefixed by the
:mod:`beartype`-reserved substring ``"__bear"``).
# ....................{ CALL }....................
[docs]class BeartypeCallException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartyped callable exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised from wrapper functions
generated by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator, typically when
failing a runtime type-check at call time.
class BeartypeCallUnavailableTypeException(BeartypeCallException):
**Beartyped callable unavailable type exceptions.**
This exception is raised from the :class:`beartype.cave.UnavailableType`
class when passed to either the :func:`isinstance` or :func:`issubclass`
builtin functions, typically due to a type defined by the
:class:`beartype.cave` submodule being conditionally unavailable under the
active Python interpreter.
# ....................{ CALL ~ hint }....................
[docs]class BeartypeCallHintException(BeartypeCallException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype type-checking exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised from wrapper functions
generated by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator when failing a runtime
type-check at callable call time, typically due to either being passed a
parameter or returning a value violating a type hint annotating that
parameter or return.
[docs]class BeartypeCallHintForwardRefException(
BeartypeCallHintException, _BeartypeHintForwardRefExceptionMixin):
**Beartype type-checking forward reference exception.**
This exception is raised from wrapper functions generated by the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator when a **forward reference type hint**
(i.e., string whose value is the name of a user-defined class that has yet
to be defined) erroneously references a module attribute whose value is
*not* actually a class.
# ....................{ CALL ~ hint : violation }....................
[docs]class BeartypeCallHintViolation(BeartypeCallHintException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype type-checking violations.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by :mod:`beartype` when
an object to be type-checked violates the type hint annotating that object.
This includes wrapper functions generated by the :func:`beartype.beartype`
decorator when either passed a parameter or returning an object violating
the type hint annotating that parameter or return.
_culprits_weakref_and_repr : Tuple[(object, str), ...]
Tuple of 2-tuples (``culprit_weakref``, ``culprit_repr``) weakly
referring to all of the culprits previously passed to the
:meth:`__init__` method, where:
* ``culprits_repr`` is the machine-readable string representation of the
culprit weakly referred to by the ``culprit_weakref`` reference.
* ``culprits_weakref`` is a weak reference to that culprit, defined as
* If that culprit is not ``None`` *and* that culprit can be weakly
referenced, a **weak reference** (i.e., :class:`weakref.ref`
instance) to that culprit.
* If that culprit is ``None``, a singleton non-``None`` placeholder.
Since the :class:`weakref.ref` class ambiguously returns ``None``
when that culprit has already been garbage-collected, this
attribute intentionally substitutes ``None`` for this placeholder.
* If that culprit *cannot* be weakly referenced (e.g., due to being
an instance of a builtin variable-sized C-based type), ``None``.
# ..................{ INITIALIZERS }..................
# Note that this dunder method intentionally accepts both positional and
# variadic arguments to support transmission of exceptions by the standard
# "multiprocessing" package via the standard "pickle" module. See also:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/28335286/2809027
def __init__(self, message: str, culprits: tuple, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Initialize this type-checking exception.
message : str
Human-readable message describing this exception.
culprits : Tuple[object, ...]
Tuple of one or more **culprits** (i.e., user-defined objects
directly responsible for this exception, typically due to violating
a type hint annotating a parameter passed to *or* object returned
from the wrapper function generated by the :func:`beartype.beartype`
decorator raising this exception). This exception internally
preserves a weak reference to these culprits, which callers may then
safely retrieve at any time via the :meth:`culprits` property.
All remaining parameters are passed as is to the superclass
:meth:`__init__` method.
If the culprits are either:
* *Not* a tuple.
* The empty tuple.
# Avoid circular import dependencies.
from beartype._util.py.utilpyweakref import make_obj_weakref_and_repr
# Initialize the superclass with the passed message.
# Note that the call to the superclass __init__() method *MUST* pass all
# mandatory parameters passed to this subclass __init__() method call to
# support transmission of exceptions by the standard "multiprocessing"
# package via the standard "pickle" module. See also:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/28335286/2809027
super().__init__(message, culprits, *args, **kwargs)
#FIXME: Unit test us up, please.
# If the culprits are *NOT* a tuple, raise an exception.
if not isinstance(culprits, tuple):
raise _BeartypeUtilExceptionException(
f'Culprits {repr(culprits)} not tuple.')
# Else, the culprits are a tuple.
# If the culprits are the empty tuple, raise an exception.
elif not culprits:
raise _BeartypeUtilExceptionException('Culprits tuple empty.')
# Else, the culprits are a non-empty tuple.
# Tuple of 2-tuples ("culprit_weakref", "culprit_repr") weakly referring
# to all of the passed culprits.
self._culprits_weakref_and_repr = tuple(
for culprit in culprits
# ..................{ PROPERTIES }..................
# Read-only properties intentionally providing no corresponding setters.
def culprits(self) -> tuple:
Tuple of one or more **culprits** (i.e., user-defined objects directly
responsible for this exception, typically due to violating a type hint
annotating a parameter passed to *or* object returned from the wrapper
function generated by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator raising
this exception).
Specifically, this property returns either:
* If a container (e.g., dictionary, list, set, tuple) is responsible for
this exception, the 2-tuple ``(culprit_root, culprit_leaf)`` where:
* ``culprit_root`` is the outermost such container. Typically, this is
the passed parameter or returned value indirectly violating this
* ``culprit_leaf`` is the innermost item transitively contained in
``culprit_root`` directly violating this hint.
* If a non-container (e.g., scalar, class instance) is responsible for
this exception, the 1-tuple ``(culprit,)`` where ``culprit`` is that
**This property is safely accessible from any context.** However, this
property is most usefully accessed *only* from the ``except ...:`` block
directly catching this exception. To avoid memory leaks, this property
only weakly rather than strongly refers to these culprits and is thus
best accessed only where these culprits are accessible. Notably, this
property is guaranteed to refer to these culprits *only* for the
duration of the ``except ...:`` block directly catching this exception.
Since these culprits may be garbage-collected at any time thereafter,
this property *cannot* be guaranteed to refer to these culprits outside
that block. If this property is accessed from *any* other context and
ore or more of these culprits have already been garbage-collected, the
corresponding item(s) of this property are only the machine-readable
representations of those culprits rather than those actual culprits.
**This property returns the machine-readable representation of instances
of builtin variable-sized C-based types** (e.g., :class:`dict`,
:class:`int`, :class:`list`, :class:`tuple`) **rather than those
instances themselves.** Why? Because CPython limitations prevent those
instances from being weakly referred to. Blame Guido and the BDFL!
# Avoid circular import dependencies.
from beartype._util.py.utilpyweakref import get_weakref_obj_or_repr
# Tuple of one or more strong references to the culprits previously
# passed to the __init__() method for those culprits that are alive
# *OR* their representations otherwise.
culprits = tuple(
obj_weakref=culprit_weakref, obj_repr=culprit_repr)
for culprit_weakref, culprit_repr in self._culprits_weakref_and_repr
# print(f'culprits_weakref_and_repr: {self._culprits_weakref_and_repr}')
# Return these culprits.
return culprits
class BeartypeCallHintParamViolation(BeartypeCallHintViolation):
**Beartyped callable parameter type-checking exception.**
This exception is raised from a call to a wrapper function generated by the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator type-checking a decorated callable when
the caller passes that call a parameter violating the type hint annotating
that parameter of that decorated callable.
class BeartypeCallHintReturnViolation(BeartypeCallHintViolation):
**Beartyped callable return type-checking exception.**
This exception is raised from a call to a wrapper function generated by the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator type-checking a decorated callable when
that call returns an object violating the type hint annotating the return
of that decorated callable.
class BeartypeDecorHintParamDefaultViolation(BeartypeCallHintViolation):
**Beartyped decorator optional parameter default value type-checking
This exception is raised at decoration time by the :func:`beartype.beartype`
decorator when type-checking a decorated callable accepting an optional
parameter whose default value violates the type hint annotating that
# ....................{ PEP }....................
class BeartypePepException(BeartypeDecorException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP)
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at both call time and
decoration time on receiving a callable or class violating a specific PEP.
class BeartypePep563Exception(BeartypePepException):
**Beartype** :pep:`563` **exception.**
This exception is raised at both call time of the
:func:`beartype.peps.resolve_pep563` function and decoration time of the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator on failing to dynamically evaluate a
postponed annotation of a callable for which :pep:`563` is active.
# ....................{ API ~ cave }....................
class BeartypeCaveException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype cave exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at usage time from
various types published by the :func:`beartype.cave` submodule.
# ....................{ API ~ cave : nonetypeor }....................
class BeartypeCaveNoneTypeOrException(BeartypeCaveException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype cave** ``None`` **tuple factory
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at usage time from
the :func:`beartype.cave.NoneTypeOr` tuple factory.
class BeartypeCaveNoneTypeOrKeyException(BeartypeCaveNoneTypeOrException):
**Beartype cave** ``None`` **tuple factory key exception.**
Instances of this exception are raised when indexing the :func:
`beartype.cave.NoneTypeOr` dictionary with an invalid key, including:
* The empty tuple.
* Arbitrary objects that are neither:
* **Types** (i.e., :class:`beartype.cave.ClassType` instances).
* **Tuples of types** (i.e., tuples whose items are all
:class:`beartype.cave.ClassType` instances).
#FIXME: Unsure what this is about. We no longer raise this anywhere. *sigh*
# class BeartypeCaveNoneTypeOrMutabilityException(
# BeartypeCaveNoneTypeOrException):
# '''
# **Beartype cave** ``None`` **tuple factory mutability exception.**
# Instances of this exception are raised when attempting to explicitly set a
# key on the :func:`beartype.cave.NoneTypeOr` dictionary.
# '''
# pass
# ....................{ API ~ claw }....................
class BeartypeClawException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype import hook exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at call time from the
callables and classes published by the :mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage.
# ....................{ API ~ claw : hook }....................
class BeartypeClawHookException(BeartypeClawException):
**Beartype import hook-time exception.**
This exception is raised at **beartype import hook-time** (i.e., the early
time encompassing the call to a public beartype import hook published by the
:mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage by a downstream third-party codebase) on
various fatal errors (e.g., when that codebase calls that hook with invalid
class BeartypeClawHookUnpackagedException(BeartypeClawHookException):
**Beartype import hook-time unpackaged exception.**
This exception is raised at **beartype import hook-time** (i.e., the early
time encompassing the call to a public beartype import hook published by the
:mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage by a downstream third-party codebase) when
the :func:`beartype.claw.beartype_this_package` function is called from
outside any package structure (e.g., top-level module or executable script).
# ....................{ API ~ claw : import }....................
class BeartypeClawImportException(BeartypeClawException):
**Beartype import hook import exception.**
This exception is raised at import time when importing a module erroneously
transformed by a beartype import hook previously installed by a prior call
to a public function published by the :mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage.
class BeartypeClawImportAstException(BeartypeClawImportException):
**Beartype import hook abstract syntax tree (AST) exception.**
This exception is raised at import time when a **beartype import hook**
(i.e., previously installed by a prior call to a public function published
by the :mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage) erroneously transforms a module from
its original syntactically valid AST into a new syntactically invalid AST.
class BeartypeClawImportConfException(BeartypeClawImportException):
**Beartype import hook configuration exception.**
This exception is raised at import time when a **beartype import hook**
(i.e., previously installed by a prior call to a public function published
by the :mod:`beartype.claw` subpackage) erroneously attempts to access a
non-existent beartype configuration.
# ....................{ API ~ conf }....................
class BeartypeConfException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype configuration exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by the
:class:`beartype.BeartypeConf` class to inform the user of various fatal
edge cases concerning beartype configuration.
class BeartypeConfParamException(BeartypeConfException):
**Beartype configuration parameter exception.**
Instances of this exception are raised at instantiation time of the
:class:`beartype.BeartypeConf` class when the caller attempts to erroneously
instantiate that class with an invalid parameter.
class BeartypeConfShellVarException(BeartypeConfException):
**Beartype configuration shell environment variable exception.**
Instances of this exception are raised at instantiation time of the
:class:`beartype.BeartypeConf` class when the caller erroneously sets a
shell environment variable recognized by that class (e.g.,
``${BEARTYPE_IS_COLOR}``) to an invalid value.
# ....................{ API ~ door }....................
class BeartypeDoorException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking
(DOOR) exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at call time from
callables and classes published by the :func:`beartype.door` subpackage.
class BeartypeDoorHintViolation(BeartypeCallHintViolation):
**Beartype object-oriented type-checking exception.**
This exception is raised at call time by both:
* The :func:`beartype.door.die_if_unbearable` function when passed an
object violating the passed type hint.
* The :meth:`beartype.door.TypeHint.die_if_unbearable` method when passed an
object violating the current type hint.
# ....................{ API ~ door : non-pep }....................
class BeartypeDoorNonpepException(BeartypeDoorException):
**Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) PEP-noncompliant type
hint exception.**
This exception is raised at call time from :func:`beartype.door` callables
and classes on receiving an **invalid PEP-noncompliant type hint** (i.e.,
type hint failing to comply with PEP standards currently supported by the
:mod:`beartype.door` API).
# ....................{ API ~ door : pep }....................
class BeartypeDoorPepException(BeartypeDoorException):
**Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) PEP-compliant type hint
This exception is raised at call time from :func:`beartype.door` callables
and classes on receiving an **invalid PEP-compliant type hint** (i.e.,
type hint complying with PEP standards currently supported by the
:mod:`beartype.door` API but otherwise invalid for various reasons).
class BeartypeDoorPepArgsLenException(BeartypeDoorException):
**Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) PEP-compliant type hint
argument length exception.**
This exception is raised at call time from :func:`beartype.door` callables
and classes on receiving an **improperly subscripted PEP-compliant type
hint** (i.e., type hint complying with PEP standards currently supported by
the :mod:`beartype.door` API but otherwise invalid due to having been
subscripted by an invalid number of child type hints).
class BeartypeDoorPepUnsupportedException(BeartypeDoorPepException):
**Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) unsupported
PEP-compliant type hint exception.**
This exception is raised at call time from :func:`beartype.door` callables
and classes on receiving an **unsupported PEP-compliant type hint** (i.e.,
type hint complying with PEP standards *not* currently supported by the
:mod:`beartype.door` API).
# ....................{ API ~ kind }....................
class BeartypeKindException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype container exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at usage (e.g.,
instantiation, callable call) time from various class hierarchies
implementing **beartype containers** (i.e., pure-Python data structures
defined by :mod:`beartype`).
# ....................{ API ~ kind : dict }....................
class BeartypeKindFrozenDictException(BeartypeException):
**Beartype frozen dictionary exception.**
This exception is raised from various methods of the private
:class:`beartype._util.kind.map.utilmapfrozen.FrozenDict` class publicly
exposed as the :class:`beartype.BeartypeHintOverrides` subclass, typically
due to external callers erroneously attempting to modify key-value pairs of
instances of this class.
class BeartypeHintOverridesException(BeartypeKindFrozenDictException):
**Beartype hint overrides exception.**
This exception is raised from various methods of the public
:class:`beartype.BeartypeHintOverrides` class, typically due to external
callers erroneously attempting to instantiate instances of this class with
**recursive hint overrides** (e.g.,
``BeartypeHintOverrides{str: list[str]})``).
# ....................{ API ~ library }....................
class BeartypeLibraryException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype library exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised from **third-party
utilities** (i.e., callables and classes interfacing with third-party
packages and modules outside the control of :mod:`beartype`).
class BeartypeLibraryNumpyException(BeartypeLibraryException):
**Beartype NumPy exception.**
This exception is raised from various functions of the private
:class:`beartype._util.api.utilapinumpy` submodule internally called by
various public APIs interfacing with the third-party :mod:`numpy` package
(e.g., NumPy array type hint inference implemented by the public
:func:`beartype.door.infer_hint` function).
# ....................{ API ~ plug }....................
class BeartypePlugException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype plugin exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at various times from
functionality utilizing :mod:`beartype`-specific plugin APIs standardized by
the :mod:`beartype.plug` subpackage, typically on detecting invalid usage of
a :mod:`beartype`-specific plugin API within a third-party Python package or
class BeartypePlugInstancecheckStrException(BeartypePlugException):
**Beartype** ``__instancecheck_str__()`` **exception.**
This exception is raised at various times from functionality utilizing the
:mod:`beartype`-specific ``__instancecheck_str__()`` plugin API (i.e., a
:mod:`beartype`-specific dunder method defined on metaclasses of classes to
return human-readable substrings describing the failure of arbitrary objects
to satisfy those classes).
# ....................{ API ~ vale }....................
class BeartypeValeException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype validator exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised at usage (e.g.,
instantiation, callable call) time from the class hierarchy published by
the :mod:`beartype.vale` subpackage.
class BeartypeValeSubscriptionException(BeartypeValeException):
**Beartype validator subscription exception.**
This exception is raised at instantiation time when subscripting (indexing)
factories published by the :mod:`beartype.vale` subpackage, including
attempts to:
* Instantiate *any* of these factories. Like standard type hints, these
factories are *only* intended to be subscripted (indexed).
* Apply the ``&`` or ``|`` operators to *any* subscriptions of these
factories and *any* other objects (e.g.,
``beartype.vale.Is[lambda obj: True]] & 'If it seems bad, it is.'``).
* Subscript the :attr:`beartype.vale.Is` factory by anything other than a
**validator** (i.e., tester function satisfying the type hint
``collections.abc.Callable[[typing.Any,], bool]``).
class BeartypeValeValidationException(BeartypeValeException):
**Beartype validator validation exception.**
This exception is raised at validation time (e.g.,, at call time of a
:func:`beartype.beartype`-decorated callable annotated by a beartype
validator) when a beartype validator fails to properly validate an object,
including attempts to:
* Subscript the :attr:`beartype.vale.Is` factory by a **non-bool-like
validator** (i.e., tester function returning an object that is neither a
:class:`bool` *nor* implicitly convertible into a :class:`bool`).
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ door }..................
class _BeartypeDoorTextException(BeartypeDoorException):
**Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) text exception.**
This exception is raised at call time from :func:`beartype.door` callables
and classes on detecting invalid strings (e.g., on raising an exception
whose message is *not* prefixed by the expected substring).
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ vale }....................
class _BeartypeValeUtilException(BeartypeValeException):
**Beartype validator utility exception.**
This exception is raised from various submodules of the private
:func:`beartype.vale._util` subpackage.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util }....................
class _BeartypeUtilException(BeartypeException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype private utility exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by *most* (but *not*
all) private submodules of the private :mod:`beartype._util` subpackage.
These exceptions denote critical internal issues and should thus *never* be
raised, let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilExceptionException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype exception utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype.roar._roarexc` subpackage.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : ast }..................
class _BeartypeUtilAstException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype abstract syntax tree (AST) utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.ast` subpackage.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : cache }..................
class _BeartypeUtilCachedException(_BeartypeUtilException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype caching utility exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by private submodules
of the private :mod:`beartype._util.cache` subpackage. These exceptions
denote critical internal issues and should thus *never* be raised -- let
alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCallableCachedException(_BeartypeUtilCachedException):
**Beartype memoization exception.**
This exception is raised by the
decorator on various fatal errors (e.g., when the signature of the
decorated callable is unsupported).
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCacheLruException(_BeartypeUtilCachedException):
**Beartype Least Recently Used (LRU) cache exception.**
This exception is raised by the
:func:`beartype._util.cache.utilcache.utilcachelru.CacheLruStrong` class
on various fatal errors (e.g., when the cache capacity is *not* a positive
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : cache : pool }..................
class _BeartypeUtilCachedKeyPoolException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype key pool exception.**
This exception is raised by private functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.cache.pool.utilcachepool` subpackage on various fatal
edge cases.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCachedFixedListException(_BeartypeUtilCachedException):
**Beartype decorator fixed list exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator when an internal callable erroneously
mutates a **fixed list** (i.e., list constrained to a fixed length defined
at instantiation time), usually by attempting to modify the length of that
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCachedObjectTypedException(_BeartypeUtilCachedException):
**Beartype decorator typed object exception.**
This exception is raised at decoration time from the
:func:`beartype.beartype` decorator when an internal callable erroneously
acquires a **pooled typed object** (i.e., object internally cached to a
pool of all objects of that type).
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : call }..................
class _BeartypeCallHintRaiseException(_BeartypeUtilException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype human-readable exception raiser
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by private utility
**exception raiser functions** (i.e., functions raising human-readable
exceptions from wrapper functions when either passed a parameter or
returning a value annotated by a type hint fails the runtime type-check
required by that hint) when an unexpected failure occurs.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeCallHintPepRaiseException(_BeartypeCallHintRaiseException):
**Beartype PEP-compliant human-readable exception raiser exception.**
This exception is raised by the
exception raiser function when an unexpected failure occurs.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeCallHintPepRaiseDesynchronizationException(
**Beartype human-readable exception raiser desynchronization exception.**
This exception is raised by the
:func:`beartype._check.error.errget.get_func_pith_violation` function
(which raises human-readable exceptions from wrapper functions when either
passed a parameter or returning a value, referred to as the "pith" for
brevity, annotated by a PEP-compliant type hint fails the type-check
required by that hint) when this pith appears to satisfy this type-check, a
runtime paradox implying either:
* The parent wrapper function generated by the :mod:`beartype.beartype`
decorator type-checking this pith triggered a false negative by
erroneously misdetecting this pith as failing this type check.
* The
function re-type-checking this pith triggered a false positive by
erroneously misdetecting this pith as satisfying this type check when in
fact this pith fails to do so.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : kind }..................
class _BeartypeUtilCallFrameException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype call stack frame utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.utilfunc` subpackage. This exception denotes a critical
internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone allowed to
percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilMappingException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype mapping utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.kind.map` subpackage. This exception denotes a
critical internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone
allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilModuleException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype module utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.module.utilmodget` subpackage. Notably, this includes:
* When dynamically importing an unimportable external user-defined module,
typically due to a **PEP-compliant forward reference type hint** (i.e.,
string whose value is the name of a user-defined class that has yet to be
defined) erroneously referencing a non-existent module or module
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilPathException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype path utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.path` subpackage on various fatal edge cases. This
exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilTypeException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype class utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.cls` subpackage. This exception denotes a critical
internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone allowed to
percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : kind : callable }..................
class _BeartypeUtilCallableException(_BeartypeUtilException):
**Beartype callable utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.func` subpackage. This exception denotes a critical
internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone allowed to
percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCallableScopeException(_BeartypeUtilCallableException):
**Beartype callable scope utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.func.utilfuncscope` submodule. This exception denotes a
critical internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone
allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCallableScopeNotFoundException(
**Beartype callable missing scope utility exception.**
This exception is raised by the private
:mod:`beartype._util.func.utilfuncscope.get_func_locals` getter on failing
to find the lexical scope of the parent callable or class declaring the
passed nested callable, enabling callers of that getter to identify this
common edge case. This exception denotes a critical internal issue and
should thus *never* be raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call
stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilCallableWrapperException(_BeartypeUtilCallableException):
**Beartype callable wrapper utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.func.utilfuncwrap` subpackage. This exception denotes a
critical internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone
allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : object }..................
class _BeartypeUtilObjectException(_BeartypeUtilException):
Abstract base class of all **beartype object utility exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by private functions
defined by the private :mod:`beartype._util.utilobject` submodule. These
exceptions denote critical internal issues and should thus *never* be raised
-- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilObjectNameException(_BeartypeUtilObjectException):
**Beartype object name exception.**
This exception is raised by the
:func:`beartype._util.utilobject.get_object_basename_scoped` getter when
the passed object is **unnamed** (i.e., fails to declare either the
``__name__`` or ``__qualname__`` dunder attributes). This exception denotes
a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be raised -- let alone
allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : python }..................
class _BeartypeUtilPythonException(_BeartypeUtilException):
Abstract base class of all beartype **Python utility exceptions.**
Instances of subclasses of this exception are raised by private submodules
of the private :mod:`beartype._util.py` subpackage. These exceptions
denote critical internal issues and should thus *never* be raised -- let
alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilPythonInterpreterException(_BeartypeUtilPythonException):
Beartype **Python interpreter utility exception.**
This exception is raised by private functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.py.utilpyinterpreter` submodule on fatal edge cases.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilPythonWeakrefException(_BeartypeUtilPythonException):
Beartype **Python weak reference utility exception.**
This exception is raised by private functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.py.utilpyweakref` submodule on fatal edge cases. This
exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ util : text }..................
class _BeartypeUtilTextException(_BeartypeUtilException):
Beartype **text utility exception.**
This exception is raised by various functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.text` subpackage.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilTextIdentifierException(_BeartypeUtilTextException):
Beartype **Python identifier utility exception.**
This exception is raised by private functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.text.utiltextidentifier` submodule on fatal edge cases.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.
class _BeartypeUtilTextVersionException(_BeartypeUtilTextException):
Beartype **Python version utility exception.**
This exception is raised by private functions of the private
:mod:`beartype._util.text.utiltextversion` submodule on fatal edge cases.
This exception denotes a critical internal issue and should thus *never* be
raised -- let alone allowed to percolate up the call stack to end users.