Feed the bear! The bear is rooting around in your refuse pile. You feel sadness.
Too Long; Didn’t Read (tl;dr)¶
Let’s type-check like greased lightning! Thanks to cheatsheets like this,
you no longer have to know how to use software to use software. \o/
# ..................{ IMPORTS }..................
# Import the core @beartype decorator.
from beartype import beartype
# Import type hint factories from "beartype.typing", a stand-in replacement
# for the standard "typing" module providing improved forward compatibility
# with future Python releases. For example:
# * "beartype.typing.Set is set" under Python ≥ 3.9 to satisfy PEP 585.
# * "beartype.typing.Set is typing.Set" under Python < 3.9 to satisfy PEP 484.
from beartype import typing
# Or, directly import these factories from the standard "typing" module. Note
# that PEP 585 deprecated many of these under Python ≥ 3.9, where @beartype
# now emits non-fatal deprecation warnings at decoration time. See also:
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html
import typing
# Or, directly import PEP 585 type hints. Note this requires Python ≥ 3.9.
from collections import abc
# Import backported type hint factories from "typing_extensions", improving
# portability across Python versions (e.g., "typing.Literal" needs Python ≥
# 3.9, but "typing_extensions.Literal" only needs Python ≥ 3.6).
import typing_extensions
# Import beartype-specific types to annotate callables with.
from beartype.cave import NoneType, NoneTypeOr, RegexTypes, ScalarTypes
# Import official abstract base classes (ABCs), too.
from numbers import Integral, Real
# Import user-defined classes, too.
from my_package.my_module import MyClass
# ..................{ TYPEVARS }..................
# PEP 484 type variable. While @beartype only partially supports type
# variables at the moment, @beartype is expected to fully
# support type variables.
T = typing.TypeVar('T')
# ..................{ FUNCTIONS }..................
# Decorate functions with @beartype and...
def my_function(
# Annotate builtin types as is.
param_must_satisfy_builtin_type: str,
# Annotate user-defined classes as is, too. Note this covariantly
# matches all instances of both this class and subclasses of this class.
param_must_satisfy_user_type: MyClass,
# Annotate PEP 604 type hint unions. Note this requires Python ≥ 3.10.
param_must_satisfy_pep604_union: dict | tuple | None,
# Annotate PEP 484 type hint unions. All Python versions support this.
param_must_satisfy_pep484_union: typing.Union[
dict, T, tuple[MyClass, ...]],
# Annotate PEP 593 metatypes, indexed by a type hint followed by zero or
# more arbitrary objects. See "VALIDATORS" below for real-world usage.
param_must_satisfy_pep593: typing.Annotated[
typing.Set[int], range(5), True],
# Annotate PEP 586 literals, indexed by either a boolean, byte string,
# integer, string, "enum.Enum" member, or "None".
param_must_satisfy_pep586: typing.Literal[
'This parameter must equal this string.'],
# Annotate PEP 585 builtin container types, indexed by the types of items
# these containers are expected to contain.
param_must_satisfy_pep585_builtin: list[str],
# Annotate PEP 585 standard collection types, indexed too.
param_must_satisfy_pep585_collection: abc.MutableSequence[str],
# Annotate PEP 544 protocols, either unindexed or indexed by one or more
# type variables.
param_must_satisfy_pep544: typing.SupportsRound[T],
# Annotate PEP 484 non-standard container types defined by the "typing"
# module, optionally indexed and only usable as type hints. Note that
# these types have all been deprecated by PEP 585 under Python ≥ 3.9. See
# also: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html
param_must_satisfy_pep484_typing: typing.List[int],
# Annotate PEP 484 relative forward references dynamically resolved at
# call time as unqualified classnames relative to the current submodule.
# Note this class is defined below and that beartype-specific absolute
# forward references are also supported.
param_must_satisfy_pep484_relative_forward_ref: 'MyOtherClass',
# Annotate PEP types indexed by relative forward references. Forward
# references are supported everywhere standard types are.
param_must_satisfy_pep484_indexed_relative_forward_ref: (
typing.Union['MyPep484Generic', set['MyPep585Generic']]),
# Annotate beartype-specific types predefined by the beartype cave.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_type_from_cave: NoneType,
# Annotate beartype-specific unions of types as tuples.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_union: (dict, MyClass, int),
# Annotate beartype-specific unions predefined by the beartype cave.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_union_from_cave: ScalarTypes,
# Annotate beartype-specific unions concatenated together.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_union_concatenated: (
abc.Iterator,) + ScalarTypes,
# Annotate beartype-specific absolute forward references dynamically
# resolved at call time as fully-qualified "."-delimited classnames.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_absolute_forward_ref: (
# Annotate beartype-specific forward references in unions of types, too.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_union_with_forward_ref: (
abc.Iterable, 'my_package.my_module.MyOtherClass', NoneType),
# Annotate PEP 604 optional types. Note this requires Python ≥ 3.10.
param_must_satisfy_pep604_optional: float | bytes = None,
# Annotate PEP 484 optional types. All Python versions support this.
param_must_satisfy_pep484_optional: typing.Optional[float, bytes] = None,
# Annotate beartype-specific optional types.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_type_optional: NoneTypeOr[float] = None,
# Annotate beartype-specific optional unions of types.
param_must_satisfy_beartype_tuple_optional: NoneTypeOr[float, int] = None,
# Annotate variadic positional arguments as above, too.
*args: ScalarTypes + (Real, 'my_package.my_module.MyScalarType'),
# Annotate keyword-only arguments as above, too.
param_must_be_passed_by_keyword_only: abc.Sequence[
typing.Union[bool, list[str]]],
# Annotate return types as above, too.
) -> Union[Integral, 'MyPep585Generic', bool]:
return 0xDEADBEEF
# Decorate coroutines as above but returning a coroutine type.
async def my_coroutine() -> abc.Coroutine[None, None, int]:
from async import sleep
await sleep(0)
return 0xDEFECA7E
# ..................{ GENERATORS }..................
# Decorate synchronous generators as above but returning a synchronous
# generator type.
def my_sync_generator() -> abc.Generator[int, None, None]:
yield from range(0xBEEFBABE, 0xCAFEBABE)
# Decorate asynchronous generators as above but returning an asynchronous
# generator type.
async def my_async_generator() -> abc.AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
from async import sleep
await sleep(0)
yield 0x8BADF00D
# ..................{ CLASSES }..................
# Decorate classes with @beartype – which then automatically decorates all
# methods and properties of those classes with @beartype.
class MyOtherClass:
# Annotate instance methods as above without annotating "self".
def __init__(self, scalar: ScalarTypes) -> None:
self._scalar = scalar
# Annotate class methods as above without annotating "cls".
def my_classmethod(cls, regex: RegexTypes, wut: str) -> (
Callable[(), str]):
import re
return lambda: re.sub(regex, 'unbearable', str(cls._scalar) + wut)
# Annotate static methods as above, too.
def my_staticmethod(callable: abc.Callable[[str], T], text: str) -> T:
return callable(text)
# Annotate property getter methods as above, too.
def my_gettermethod(self) -> abc.Iterator[int]:
return range(0x0B00B135 + int(self._scalar), 0xB16B00B5)
# Annotate property setter methods as above, too.
def my_settermethod(self, bad: Integral = 0xBAAAAAAD) -> None:
self._scalar = bad if bad else 0xBADDCAFE
# Annotate methods accepting or returning instances of the class
# currently being declared with relative forward references.
def my_selfreferential_method(self) -> list['MyOtherClass']:
return [self] * 42
# ..................{ GENERICS }..................
# Decorate PEP 585 generics with @beartype. Note this requires Python ≥ 3.9.
class MyPep585Generic(tuple[int, float]):
def __new__(cls, integer: int, real: float) -> tuple[int, float]:
return tuple.__new__(cls, (integer, real))
# Decorate PEP 484 generics with @beartype, too.
class MyPep484Generic(typing.Tuple[str, ...]):
def __new__(cls, *args: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple.__new__(cls, args)
# ..................{ PROTOCOLS }..................
# PEP 544 protocol referenced below in type hints. Note this requires Python
# ≥ 3.8 and that protocols *MUST* be explicitly decorated by the
# @runtime_checkable decorator to be usable with @beartype.
@typing.runtime_checkable # <---- mandatory boilerplate line. it is sad.
class MyProtocol(typing.Protocol):
def my_method(self) -> str:
return (
'Objects satisfy this protocol only if their classes '
'define a method with the same signature as this method.'
# ..................{ DATACLASSES }..................
# Import the requisite machinery. Note this requires Python ≥ 3.8.
from dataclasses import dataclass, InitVar
# Decorate dataclasses with @beartype, which then automatically decorates all
# methods and properties of those dataclasses with @beartype – including the
# __init__() constructors created by @dataclass. Fields are type-checked only
# at instantiation time. Fields are *NOT* type-checked when reassigned.
# Decoration order is significant. List @beartype before @dataclass, please.
class MyDataclass(object):
# Annotate fields with type hints.
field_must_satisfy_builtin_type: InitVar[str]
field_must_satisfy_pep604_union: str | None = None
# Annotate methods as above.
def __post_init__(self, field_must_satisfy_builtin_type: str) -> None:
if self.field_must_satisfy_pep604_union is None:
self.field_must_satisfy_pep604_union = (
# ..................{ NAMED TUPLES }..................
# Import the requisite machinery.
from typing import NamedTuple
# Decorate named tuples with @beartype.
class MyNamedTuple(NamedTuple):
# Annotate fields with type hints.
field_must_satisfy_builtin_type: str
# ..................{ CONFIGURATION }..................
# Import beartype's configuration API to configure runtime type-checking.
from beartype import BeartypeConf, BeartypeStrategy
# Dynamically create your own @beartype decorator, configured for your needs.
bugbeartype = beartype(conf=BeartypeConf(
# Optionally disable or enable output of colors (i.e., ANSI escape
# sequences) in type-checking violations via this tri-state boolean:
# * "None" conditionally enables colors when standard output is attached
# to an interactive terminal. [DEFAULT]
# * "True" unconditionally enables colors.
# * "False" unconditionally disables colors.
is_color=False, # <-- disable color entirely
# Optionally enable developer-friendly debugging.
# Optionally enable PEP 484's implicit numeric tower by:
# * Expanding all "float" type hints to "float | int".
# * Expanding all "complex" type hints to "complex | float | int".
# Optionally switch to a different type-checking strategy:
# * "BeartypeStrategy.O1" type-checks in O(1) constant time. [DEFAULT]
# * "BeartypeStrategy.On" type-checks in O(n) linear time.
# (Currently unimplemented but roadmapped for a future release.)
# * "BeartypeStrategy.Ologn" type-checks in O(log n) logarithmic time.
# (Currently unimplemented but roadmapped for a future release.)
# * "strategy=BeartypeStrategy.O0" disables type-checking entirely.
strategy=BeartypeStrategy.On, # <-- enable linear-time type-checking
# Decorate with your decorator instead of the vanilla @beartype decorator.
def muh_configured_func(list_checked_in_On_time: list[float]) -> set[str]:
return set(str(item) for item in list_checked_in_On_time)
# ..................{ VALIDATORS }..................
# Import beartype's PEP 593 validator API to validate arbitrary constraints.
# Note this requires either:
# * Python ≥ 3.9.0.
# * typing_extensions ≥
from beartype.vale import Is, IsAttr, IsEqual
from typing import Annotated # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated # <--- if Python < 3.9.0
# Import third-party packages to validate.
import numpy as np
# Validator matching only two-dimensional NumPy arrays of 64-bit floats,
# specified with a single caller-defined lambda function.
NumpyArray2DFloat = Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[
lambda arr: arr.ndim == 2 and arr.dtype == np.dtype(np.float64)]]
# Validator matching only one-dimensional NumPy arrays of 64-bit floats,
# specified with two declarative expressions. Although verbose, this
# approach generates optimal reusable code that avoids function calls.
IsNumpyArray1D = IsAttr['ndim', IsEqual[1]]
IsNumpyArrayFloat = IsAttr['dtype', IsEqual[np.dtype(np.float64)]]
NumpyArray1DFloat = Annotated[np.ndarray, IsNumpyArray1D, IsNumpyArrayFloat]
# Validator matching only empty NumPy arrays, equivalent to but faster than:
# NumpyArrayEmpty = Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[lambda arr: arr.size != 0]]
IsNumpyArrayEmpty = IsAttr['size', IsEqual[0]]
NumpyArrayEmpty = Annotated[np.ndarray, IsNumpyArrayEmpty]
# Validator composed with standard operators from the above validators,
# permissively matching all of the following:
# * Empty NumPy arrays of any dtype *except* 64-bit floats.
# * Non-empty one- and two-dimensional NumPy arrays of 64-bit floats.
NumpyArrayEmptyNonFloatOrNonEmptyFloat1Or2D = Annotated[np.ndarray,
# "&" creates a new validator matching when both operands match, while
# "|" creates a new validator matching when one or both operands match;
# "~" creates a new validator matching when its operand does not match.
# Group operands to enforce semantic intent and avoid precedence woes.
(IsNumpyArrayEmpty & ~IsNumpyArrayFloat) | (
~IsNumpyArrayEmpty & IsNumpyArrayFloat (
IsNumpyArray1D | IsAttr['ndim', IsEqual[2]]
# Decorate functions accepting validators like usual and...
def my_validated_function(
# Annotate validators just like standard type hints.
param_must_satisfy_validator: NumpyArrayEmptyOrNonemptyFloat1Or2D,
# Combine validators with standard type hints, too.
) -> list[NumpyArrayEmptyNonFloatOrNonEmptyFloat1Or2D]:
return (
[param_must_satisfy_validator] * 0xFACEFEED
if bool(param_must_satisfy_validator) else
[np.array([i], np.dtype=np.float64) for i in range(0xFEEDFACE)]
# ..................{ NUMPY }..................
# Import NumPy-specific type hints validating NumPy array constraints. Note:
# * These hints currently only validate array dtypes. To validate additional
# constraints like array shapes, prefer validators instead. See above.
# * This requires NumPy ≥ 1.21.0 and either:
# * Python ≥ 3.9.0.
# * typing_extensions ≥
from numpy.typing import NDArray
# NumPy type hint matching all NumPy arrays of 64-bit floats. Internally,
# beartype reduces this to the equivalent validator:
# NumpyArrayFloat = Annotated[
# np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsEqual[np.dtype(np.float64)]]]
NumpyArrayFloat = NDArray[np.float64]
# Decorate functions accepting NumPy type hints like usual and...
def my_numerical_function(
# Annotate NumPy type hints just like standard type hints.
param_must_satisfy_numpy: NumpyArrayFloat,
# Combine NumPy type hints with standard type hints, too.
) -> tuple[NumpyArrayFloat, int]:
return (param_must_satisfy_numpy, len(param_must_satisfy_numpy))
Beartype: it just sorta works.