Beartype Validators

Validate anything with two-line type hints
       designed by you ⇄ built by beartype

When standards fail, do what you want anyway. When official type hints fail to scale to your validation use case, design your own PEP-compliant type hints with compact beartype validators:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import Is
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching any two-dimensional NumPy array of floats of arbitrary
# precision. Aye, typing matey. Beartype validators a-hoy!
import numpy as np
Numpy2DFloatArray = Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[lambda array:
    array.ndim == 2 and np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.floating)]]

# Annotate @beartype-decorated callables with beartype validators.
def polygon_area(polygon: Numpy2DFloatArray) -> float:
    Area of a two-dimensional polygon of floats defined as a set of
    counter-clockwise points, calculated via Green's theorem.

    *Don't ask.*

    # Calculate and return the desired area. Pretend we understand this.
    polygon_rolled = np.roll(polygon, -1, axis=0)
    return np.abs(0.5*np.sum(
        polygon[:,0]*polygon_rolled[:,1] -

Validators enforce arbitrary runtime constraints on the internal structure and contents of parameters and returns with user-defined lambda functions and nestable declarative expressions leveraging familiar typing syntax – all seamlessly composable with standard type hints via an expressive domain-specific language (DSL).

Validate custom project constraints now without waiting for the open-source community to officially standardize, implement, and publish those constraints. Filling in the Titanic-sized gaps between Python’s patchwork quilt of PEPs, validators accelerate your QA workflow with your greatest asset.

Yup. It’s your brain.

See Validator Showcase for comforting examples – or blithely continue for uncomfortable details you may regret reading.

Validator Overview

Beartype validators are zero-cost code generators. Like the rest of beartype (but unlike other validation frameworks), beartype validators generate optimally efficient pure-Python type-checking logic with no hidden function or method calls, undocumented costs, or runtime overhead.

Beartype validator code is thus call-explicit. Since pure-Python function and method calls are notoriously slow in CPython, the code we generate only calls the pure-Python functions and methods you specify when you subscript beartype.vale.Is* classes with those functions and methods. That’s it. We never call anything without your permission. For example:

  • The declarative validator Annotated[np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsEqual[np.float64]]]] detects NumPy arrays of 64-bit floating-point precision by generating the fastest possible inline expression for doing so:

    isinstance(array, np.ndarray) and array.dtype.type == np.float64
  • The functional validator Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[lambda array: array.dtype.type == np.float64]] also detects the same arrays by generating a slightly slower inline expression calling the lambda function you define:

    isinstance(array, np.ndarray) and your_lambda_function(array)

Beartype validators thus come in two flavours – each with attendant tradeoffs:

  • Functional validators, created by subscripting the beartype.vale.Is factory with a function accepting a single parameter and returning True only when that parameter satisfies a caller-defined constraint. Each functional validator incurs the cost of calling that function for each call to each beartype.beartype()-decorated callable annotated by that validator, but is Turing-complete and thus supports all possible validation scenarios.

  • Declarative validators, created by subscripting any other class in the beartype.vale subpackage (e.g., beartype.vale.IsEqual) with arguments specific to that class. Each declarative validator generates efficient inline code calling no hidden functions and thus incurring no function costs, but is special-purpose and thus supports only a narrow band of validation scenarios.

Wherever you can, prefer declarative validators for efficiency.

Everywhere else, fallback to functional validators for generality.

Validator API

class beartype.vale.Is

Subscription API: beartype.vale.Is[[[object], bool]]

Functional validator. A PEP-compliant type hint enforcing any arbitrary runtime constraint – created by subscripting (indexing) the Is type hint factory with a function accepting a single parameter and returning either:

  • True if that parameter satisfies that constraint.

  • False otherwise.

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype.vale import Is
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only strings with lengths ranging [4, 40].
LengthyString = Annotated[str, Is[lambda text: 4 <= len(text) <= 40]]

Functional validators are caller-defined and may thus validate the internal integrity, consistency, and structure of arbitrary objects ranging from simple builtin scalars like integers and strings to complex data structures defined by third-party packages like NumPy arrays and Pandas DataFrames.

class beartype.vale.IsAttr

Subscription API: beartype.vale.IsAttr[str, beartype.vale.*]

Declarative attribute validator. A PEP-compliant type hint enforcing any arbitrary runtime constraint on any named object attribute – created by subscripting (indexing) the IsAttr type hint factory with (in order):

  1. The unqualified name of that attribute.

  2. Any other beartype validator enforcing that constraint.

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype.vale import IsAttr, IsEqual
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only two-dimensional NumPy arrays. Given this,
# @beartype generates efficient validation code resembling:
#     isinstance(array, np.ndarray) and array.ndim == 2
import numpy as np
Numpy2DArray = Annotated[np.ndarray, IsAttr['ndim', IsEqual[2]]]

The first argument subscripting this class must be a syntactically valid unqualified Python identifier string containing only alphanumeric and underscore characters (e.g., "dtype", "ndim"). Fully-qualified attributes comprising two or more dot-delimited identifiers (e.g., "dtype.type") may be validated by nesting successive IsAttr subscriptions:

# Type hint matching only NumPy arrays of 64-bit floating-point numbers.
# From this, @beartype generates an efficient expression resembling:
#     isinstance(array, np.ndarray) and array.dtype.type == np.float64
NumpyFloat64Array = Annotated[np.ndarray,
    IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsEqual[np.float64]]]]

The second argument subscripting this class must be a beartype validator. This includes:

  • beartype.vale.Is, in which case this parent IsAttr class validates the desired object attribute to satisfy the caller-defined function subscripting that child Is class.

  • beartype.vale.IsAttr, in which case this parent IsAttr class validates the desired object attribute to contain a nested object attribute satisfying the child IsAttr class. See above example.

  • beartype.vale.IsEqual, in which case this IsAttr class validates the desired object attribute to be equal to the object subscripting that IsEqual class. See above example.

class beartype.vale.IsEqual

Subscription API: beartype.vale.IsEqual[object]

Declarative equality validator. A PEP-compliant type hint enforcing equality against any object – created by subscripting (indexing) the IsEqual type hint factory with that object:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype.vale import IsEqual
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only lists equal to [0, 1, 2, ..., 40, 41, 42].
AnswerToTheUltimateQuestion = Annotated[list, IsEqual[list(range(42))]]

IsEqual generalizes the comparable PEP 586-compliant typing.Literal type hint. Both check equality against user-defined objects. Despite the differing syntax, these two type hints enforce the same semantics:

# This beartype validator enforces the same semantics as...
IsStringEqualsWithBeartype = Annotated[str,
    IsEqual['Don’t you envy our pranceful bands?'] |
    IsEqual['Don’t you wish you had extra hands?']

# This PEP 586-compliant type hint.
IsStringEqualsWithPep586 = Literal[
    'Don’t you envy our pranceful bands?',
    'Don’t you wish you had extra hands?',

The similarities end there, of course:

  • IsEqual permissively validates equality against objects that are instances of any arbitrary type. IsEqual doesn’t care what the types of your objects are. IsEqual will test equality against everything you tell it to, because you know best.

  • typing.Literal rigidly validates equality against objects that are instances of only six predefined types:

    • Booleans (i.e., bool objects).

    • Byte strings (i.e., bytes objects).

    • Integers (i.e., int objects).

    • Unicode strings (i.e., str objects).

    • enum.Enum members. [1]

    • The None singleton.

Wherever you can (which is mostly nowhere), prefer typing.Literal. Sure, typing.Literal is mostly useless, but it’s standardized across type checkers in a mostly useless way. Everywhere else, default to IsEqual.

class beartype.vale.IsInstance

Subscription API: beartype.vale.IsInstance[type, …]

Declarative instance validator. A PEP-compliant type hint enforcing instancing of one or more classes – created by subscripting (indexing) the IsInstance type hint factory with those classes:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype.vale import IsInstance
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only string and byte strings, equivalent to:
#     StrOrBytesInstance = Union[str, bytes]
StrOrBytesInstance = Annotated[object, IsInstance[str, bytes]]

IsInstance generalizes isinstanceable type hints (i.e., normal pure-Python or C-based classes that can be passed as the second parameter to the isinstance() builtin). Both check instancing of classes. Despite the differing syntax, the following hints all enforce the same semantics:

# This beartype validator enforces the same semantics as...
IsUnicodeStrWithBeartype = Annotated[object, IsInstance[str]]

# ...this PEP 484-compliant type hint.
IsUnicodeStrWithPep484 = str

# Likewise, this beartype validator enforces the same semantics as...
IsStrWithWithBeartype = Annotated[object, IsInstance[str, bytes]]

# ...this PEP 484-compliant type hint.
IsStrWithWithPep484 = Union[str, bytes]

The similarities end there, of course:

  • IsInstance permissively validates type instancing of arbitrary objects (including possibly nested attributes of parameters and returns when combined with beartype.vale.IsAttr) against one or more classes.

  • Isinstanceable classes rigidly validate type instancing of only parameters and returns against only one class.

Unlike isinstanceable type hints, instance validators support various set theoretic operators. Critically, this includes negation. Instance validators prefixed by the negation operator ~ match all objects that are not instances of the classes subscripting those validators. Wait. Wait just a hot minute there. Doesn’t a typing.Annotated type hint necessarily match instances of the class subscripting that type hint? Yup. This means type hints of the form typing.Annotated[{superclass}, ~IsInstance[{subclass}] match all instances of a superclass that are not also instances of a subclass. And… pretty sure we just invented type hint arithmetic right there.

That sounded intellectual and thus boring. Yet, the disturbing fact that Python booleans are integers …yup while Python strings are infinitely recursive sequences of strings …yup means that type hint arithmetic can save your codebase from Guido’s younger self. Consider this instance validator matching only non-boolean integers, which cannot be expressed with any isinstanceable type hint (e.g., int) or other combination of standard off-the-shelf type hints (e.g., unions):

# Type hint matching any non-boolean integer. Never fear integers again.
IntNonbool = Annotated[int, ~IsInstance[bool]]   # <--- bruh

Wherever you can, prefer isinstanceable type hints. Sure, they’re inflexible, but they’re inflexibly standardized across type checkers. Everywhere else, default to IsInstance.

class beartype.vale.IsSubclass

Subscription API: beartype.vale.IsSubclass[type, …]

Declarative inheritance validator. A PEP-compliant type hint enforcing subclassing of one or more superclasses (base classes) – created by subscripting (indexing) the IsSubclass type hint factory with those superclasses:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype.vale import IsSubclass
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only string and byte string subclasses.
StrOrBytesSubclass = Annotated[type, IsSubclass[str, bytes]]

IsSubclass generalizes the comparable PEP 484-compliant typing.Type and PEP 585-compliant type type hint factories. All three check subclassing of arbitrary superclasses. Despite the differing syntax, the following hints all enforce the same semantics:

# This beartype validator enforces the same semantics as...
IsStringSubclassWithBeartype = Annotated[type, IsSubclass[str]]

# ...this PEP 484-compliant type hint as well as...
IsStringSubclassWithPep484 = Type[str]

# ...this PEP 585-compliant type hint.
IsStringSubclassWithPep585 = type[str]

The similarities end there, of course:

  • IsSubclass permissively validates type inheritance of arbitrary classes (including possibly nested attributes of parameters and returns when combined with beartype.vale.IsAttr) against one or more superclasses.

  • typing.Type and type rigidly validates type inheritance of only parameters and returns against only one superclass.

Consider this subclass validator, which validates type inheritance of a deeply nested attribute and thus cannot be expressed with typing.Type or type:

# Type hint matching only NumPy arrays of reals (i.e., either integers
# or floats) of arbitrary precision, generating code resembling:
#    (isinstance(array, np.ndarray) and
#     issubclass(array.dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer)))
NumpyRealArray = Annotated[
    np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsSubclass[
        np.floating, np.integer]]]]

Wherever you can, prefer type and typing.Type. Sure, they’re inflexible, but they’re inflexibly standardized across type checkers. Everywhere else, default to IsSubclass.

Validator Syntax

Beartype validators support a rich domain-specific language (DSL) leveraging familiar Python operators. Dynamically create new validators on-the-fly from existing validators, fueling reuse and preserving DRY:

  • Negation (i.e., not). Negating any validator with the ~ operator creates a new validator returning True only when the negated validator returns False:

    # Type hint matching only strings containing *no* periods, semantically
    # equivalent to this type hint:
    #     PeriodlessString = Annotated[str, Is[lambda text: '.' not in text]]
    PeriodlessString = Annotated[str, ~Is[lambda text: '.' in text]]
  • Conjunction (i.e., and). And-ing two or more validators with the & operator creates a new validator returning True only when all of the and-ed validators return True:

    # Type hint matching only non-empty strings containing *no* periods,
    # semantically equivalent to this type hint:
    #     NonemptyPeriodlessString = Annotated[
    #         str, Is[lambda text: text and '.' not in text]]
    SentenceFragment = Annotated[str, (
         Is[lambda text: bool(text)] &
        ~Is[lambda text: '.' in text]
  • Disjunction (i.e., or). Or-ing two or more validators with the | operator creates a new validator returning True only when at least one of the or-ed validators returns True:

    # Type hint matching only empty strings *and* non-empty strings containing
    # one or more periods, semantically equivalent to this type hint:
    #     EmptyOrPeriodfullString = Annotated[
    #         str, Is[lambda text: not text or '.' in text]]
    EmptyOrPeriodfullString = Annotated[str, (
        ~Is[lambda text: bool(text)] |
         Is[lambda text: '.' in text]
  • Enumeration (i.e., ,). Delimiting two or or more validators with commas at the top level of a typing.Annotated type hint is an alternate syntax for and-ing those validators with the & operator, creating a new validator returning True only when all of those delimited validators return True.

    # Type hint matching only non-empty strings containing *no* periods,
    # semantically equivalent to the "SentenceFragment" defined above.
    SentenceFragment = Annotated[str,
         Is[lambda text: bool(text)],
        ~Is[lambda text: '.' in text],

    Since the & operator is more explicit and usable in a wider variety of syntactic contexts, the & operator is generally preferable to enumeration (all else being equal).

  • Interoperability. As PEP-compliant type hints, validators are safely interoperable with other PEP-compliant type hints and usable wherever other PEP-compliant type hints are usable. Standard type hints are subscriptable with validators, because validators are standard type hints:

    # Type hint matching only sentence fragments defined as either Unicode or
    # byte strings, generalizing "SentenceFragment" type hints defined above.
    SentenceFragment = Union[
        Annotated[bytes, Is[lambda text: b'.' in text]],
        Annotated[str,   Is[lambda text: u'.' in text]],

Standard Python precedence rules may apply.

DSL: it’s not just a telecom acronym anymore.

Validator Caveats


Validators require:

  • Beartype. Currently, all other static and runtime type checkers silently ignore beartype validators during type-checking. This includes mypy – which we could possibly solve by bundling a mypy plugin with beartype that extends mypy to statically analyze declarative beartype validators (e.g., beartype.vale.IsAttr, beartype.vale.IsEqual). We leave this as an exercise to the idealistic doctoral thesis candidate. Please do this for us, someone who is not us.

  • Either Python ≥ 3.9 or typing_extensions ≥ Validators piggyback onto the typing.Annotated class first introduced with Python 3.9.0 and since backported to older Python versions by the third-party “typing_extensions” package, which beartype also transparently supports.

Validator Showcase

Observe the disturbing (yet alluring) utility of beartype validators in action as they unshackle type hints from the fetters of PEP compliance. Begone, foulest standards!

Full-Fat O(n) Matching

Let’s validate all integers in a list of integers in O(n) time, because validators mean you no longer have to accept the QA scraps we feed you:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import Is
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching all integers in a list of integers in O(n) time. Please
# never do this. You now want to, don't you? Why? You know the price! Why?!?
IntList = Annotated[list[int], Is[lambda lst: all(
    isinstance(item, int) for item in lst)]]

# Type-check all integers in a list of integers in O(n) time. How could you?
def sum_intlist(my_list: IntList) -> int:
    The slowest possible integer summation over the passed list of integers.

    There goes your whole data science pipeline. Yikes! So much cringe.

    return sum(my_list)  # oh, gods what have you done

Welcome to full-fat type-checking. In our disastrous roadmap to beartype 1.0.0, we reluctantly admit that we’d like to augment the beartype.beartype() decorator with a new parameter enabling full-fat type-checking. But don’t wait for us. Force the issue now by just doing it yourself and then mocking us all over Gitter! Fight the bear, man.

There are good reasons to believe that O(1) type-checking is preferable. Violating that core precept exposes your codebase to scalability and security concerns. But you’re the Big Boss, you swear you know best, and (in any case) we can’t stop you because we already let the unneutered tomcat out of his trash bin by publishing this API into the badlands of PyPI.

Trendy String Matching

Let’s accept strings either at least 80 characters long or both quoted and suffixed by a period. Look, it doesn’t matter. Just do it already, beartype!

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import Is
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Validator matching only strings at least 80 characters in length.
IsLengthy = Is[lambda text: len(text) >= 80]

# Validator matching only strings suffixed by a period.
IsSentence = Is[lambda text: text and text[-1] == '.']

# Validator matching only single- or double-quoted strings.
def _is_quoted(text): return text.count('"') >= 2 or text.count("'") >= 2
IsQuoted = Is[_is_quoted]

# Combine multiple validators by just listing them sequentially.
def desentence_lengthy_quoted_sentence(
    text: Annotated[str, IsLengthy, IsSentence, IsQuoted]]) -> str:
    Strip the suffixing period from a lengthy quoted sentence... 'cause.

    return text[:-1]  # this is horrible

# Combine multiple validators by just "&"-ing them sequentially. Yes, this
# is exactly identical to the prior function. We do this because we can.
def desentence_lengthy_quoted_sentence_part_deux(
    text: Annotated[str, IsLengthy & IsSentence & IsQuoted]]) -> str:
    Strip the suffixing period from a lengthy quoted sentence... again.

    return text[:-1]  # this is still horrible

# Combine multiple validators with as many "&", "|", and "~" operators as
# you can possibly stuff into a module that your coworkers can stomach.
# (They will thank you later. Possibly much later.)
def strip_lengthy_or_quoted_sentence(
    text: Annotated[str, IsLengthy | (IsSentence & ~IsQuoted)]]) -> str:
    Strip the suffixing character from a string that is lengthy and/or a
    quoted sentence, because your web app deserves only the best data.

    return text[:-1]  # this is frankly outrageous

Type Hint Arithmetic

Subtitle: From Set Theory They Shall Grow

PEP 484 standardized the typing.Union factory disjunctively matching any of several equally permissible type hints ala Python’s builtin or operator or the overloaded | operator for sets. That’s great, because set theory is the beating heart behind type theory.

But that’s just disjunction. What about intersection (e.g., and, &), complementation (e.g., not, ~), or any of the vast multitude of other set theoretic operations? Can we logically connect simple type hints validating trivial constraints into complex type hints validating non-trivial constraints via PEP-standardized analogues of unary and binary operators?

Nope. They don’t exist yet. But that’s okay. You use beartype, which means you don’t have to wait for official Python developers to get there first. You’re already there. …woah

Type Hint Elision

Python’s core type hierarchy conceals an ugly history of secretive backward compatibility. In this subsection, we uncover the two filthiest, flea-infested, backwater corners of the otherwise well-lit atrium that is the Python language – and how exactly you can finalize them. Both obstruct type-checking, readable APIs, and quality assurance in the post-Python 2.7 era.

Guido doesn’t want you to know. But you want to know, don’t you? You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of syntax and semantics but of shame. A journey into a hideous land of annotation wrangling. Next stop… the Beartype Zone. Because guess what?

  • Booleans are integers. They shouldn’t be. Booleans aren’t integers in most high-level languages. Wait. Are you telling me booleans are literally integers in Python? Surely you jest. That can’t be. You can’t add booleans, can you? What would that even mean if you could? Observe and cower, rigorous data scientists.

    >>> True + 3.1415
    4.141500000000001  # <-- oh. by. god.
    >>> isinstance(False, int)
    True               # <-- when nothing is true, everything is true
  • Strings are infinitely recursive sequences of… yup, it’s strings. They shouldn’t be. Strings aren’t infinitely recursive data structures in any other language devised by incautious mortals – high-level or not. Wait. Are you telling me strings are both indistinguishable from full-blown immutable sequences containing arbitrary items and infinitely recurse into themselves like that sickening non-Euclidean Hall of Mirrors I puked all over when I was a kid? Surely you kid. That can’t be. You can’t infinitely index into strings and pass and return the results to and from callables expecting either Sequence[Any] or Sequence[str] type hints, can you? Witness and tremble, stricter-than-thou QA evangelists.

    >>> 'yougottabekiddi—'[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]
    'y'   # <-- pretty sure we just broke the world
    >>> from import Sequence
    >>> isinstance("Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthu—"[0][0][0][0][0], Sequence)
    True  # <-- ...curse you, curse you to heck and back

When we annotate a callable as accepting an int, we never want that callable to also silently accept a bool. Likewise, when we annotate another callable as accepting a Sequence[Any] or Sequence[str], we never want that callable to also silently accept a str. These are sensible expectations – just not in Python, where madness prevails.

To resolve these counter-intuitive concerns, we need the equivalent of the relative set complement (or difference). We now call this thing… type elision! Sounds pretty hot, right? We know.

Booleans ≠ Integers

Let’s first validate non-boolean integers with a beartype validator effectively declaring a new int - bool class (i.e., the subclass of all integers that are not booleans):

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import IsInstance
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching any non-boolean integer. This day all errata die.
IntNonbool = Annotated[int, ~IsInstance[bool]]   # <--- bruh

# Type-check zero or more non-boolean integers summing to a non-boolean
# integer. Beartype wills it. So it shall be.
def sum_ints(*args: IntNonbool) -> IntNonbool:
    I cast thee out, mangy booleans!

    You plague these shores no more.

    return sum(args)
Strings ≠ Sequences

Let’s next validate non-string sequences with beartype validators effectively declaring a new Sequence - str class (i.e., the subclass of all sequences that are not strings):

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import IsInstance
from import Sequence
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching any non-string sequence. Your day has finally come.
SequenceNonstr = Annotated[Sequence, ~IsInstance[str]]   # <--- we doin this

# Type hint matching any non-string sequence *WHOSE ITEMS ARE ALL STRINGS.*
SequenceNonstrOfStr = Annotated[Sequence[str], ~IsInstance[str]]

# Type-check a non-string sequence of arbitrary items coerced into strings
# and then joined on newline to a new string. (Beartype got your back, bro.)
def join_objects(my_sequence: SequenceNonstr) -> str:
    Your tide of disease ends here, :class:`str` class!

    return '\n'.join(map(str, my_sequence))  # <-- no idea how that works

# Type-check a non-string sequence whose items are all strings joined on
# newline to a new string. It isn't much, but it's all you ask.
def join_strs(my_sequence: SequenceNonstrOfStr) -> str:
    I expectorate thee up, sequence of strings.

    return '\n'.join(my_sequence)  # <-- do *NOT* do this to a string

Tensor Property Matching

Let’s validate the same two-dimensional NumPy array of floats of arbitrary precision as in the lead example above with an efficient declarative validator avoiding the additional stack frame imposed by the functional validator in that example:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import IsAttr, IsEqual, IsSubclass
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Type hint matching only two-dimensional NumPy arrays of floats of
# arbitrary precision. This time, do it faster than anyone has ever
# type-checked NumPy arrays before. (Cue sonic boom, Chuck Yeager.)
import numpy as np
Numpy2DFloatArray = Annotated[np.ndarray,
    IsAttr['ndim', IsEqual[2]] &
    IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsSubclass[np.floating]]]

# Annotate @beartype-decorated callables with beartype validators.
def polygon_area(polygon: Numpy2DFloatArray) -> float:
    Area of a two-dimensional polygon of floats defined as a set of
    counter-clockwise points, calculated via Green's theorem.

    *Don't ask.*

    # Calculate and return the desired area. Pretend we understand this.
    polygon_rolled = np.roll(polygon, -1, axis=0)
    return np.abs(0.5*np.sum(
        polygon[:,0]*polygon_rolled[:,1] -

Validator Alternatives

If the unbridled power of beartype validators leaves you variously queasy, uneasy, and suspicious of our core worldview, beartype also supports third-party type hints like typed NumPy arrays.

Whereas beartype validators are verbose, expressive, and general-purpose, the following hints are terse, inexpressive, and domain-specific. Since beartype internally converts these hints to their equivalent validators, similar caveats apply. Notably, these hints require:

NumPy Type Hints

Beartype conditionally supports NumPy type hints (i.e., annotations created by subscripting (indexing) various attributes of the “numpy.typing” subpackage) when these optional runtime dependencies are all satisfied:

Beartype internally converts NumPy type hints into equivalent beartype validators at decoration time. NumPy type hints currently only validate dtypes, a common but limited use case. Beartype validators validate any arbitrary combinations of array constraints – including dtypes, shapes, contents, and… well, anything. Which is alot. NumPy type hints are thus just syntactic sugar for beartype validators – albeit quasi-portable syntactic sugar also supported by mypy.

Wherever you can, prefer NumPy type hints for portability. Everywhere else, default to beartype validators for generality. Combine them for the best of all possible worlds:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import IsAttr, IsEqual
from numpy import floating
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import Annotated   # <--------------- if Python ≥ 3.9.0
#from typing_extensions import Annotated   # <--- if Python < 3.9.0

# Beartype validator + NumPy type hint matching all two-dimensional NumPy
# arrays of floating-point numbers of any arbitrary precision.
NumpyFloat64Array = Annotated[NDArray[floating], IsAttr['ndim', IsEqual[2]]]

Rejoice! A one-liner solves everything yet again.

Typed NumPy Arrays

Type NumPy arrays by subscripting (indexing) the numpy.typing.NDArray class with one of three possible types of objects:

  • An array dtype (i.e., instance of the numpy.dtype class).

  • A scalar dtype (i.e., concrete subclass of the numpy.generic abstract base class (ABC)).

  • A scalar dtype ABC (i.e., abstract subclass of the numpy.generic ABC).

Beartype generates fundamentally different type-checking code for these types, complying with both mypy semantics (which behaves similarly) and our userbase (which demands this behaviour). May there be hope for our collective future.

class numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.dtype]

NumPy array typed by array dtype. A PEP-noncompliant type hint enforcing object equality against any array dtype (i.e., numpy.dtype instance), created by subscripting (indexing) the numpy.typing.NDArray class with that array dtype.

Prefer this variant when validating the exact data type of an array:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from numpy import dtype
from numpy.typing import NDArray

# NumPy type hint matching all NumPy arrays of 32-bit big-endian integers,
# semantically equivalent to this beartype validator:
#     NumpyInt32BigEndianArray = Annotated[
#         np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsEqual[dtype('>i4')]]]
NumpyInt32BigEndianArray = NDArray[dtype('>i4')]

class numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.dtype.type]

NumPy array typed by scalar dtype. A PEP-noncompliant type hint enforcing object equality against any scalar dtype (i.e., concrete subclass of the numpy.generic ABC), created by subscripting (indexing) the numpy.typing.NDArray class with that scalar dtype.

Prefer this variant when validating the exact scalar precision of an array:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from numpy import float64
from numpy.typing import NDArray

# NumPy type hint matching all NumPy arrays of 64-bit floats, semantically
# equivalent to this beartype validator:
#     NumpyFloat64Array = Annotated[
#         np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsEqual[float64]]]]
NumpyFloat64Array = NDArray[float64]

Common scalar dtypes include:

  • Fixed-precision integer dtypes (e.g., numpy.int32, numpy.int64).

  • Fixed-precision floating-point dtypes (e.g., numpy.float32, numpy.float64).

class numpy.typing.NDArray[type[numpy.dtype.type]]

NumPy array typed by scalar dtype ABC. A PEP-noncompliant type hint enforcing type inheritance against any scalar dtype ABC (i.e., abstract subclass of the numpy.generic ABC), created by subscripting (indexing) the numpy.typing.NDArray class with that ABC.

Prefer this variant when validating only the kind of scalars (without reference to exact precision) in an array:

# Import the requisite machinery.
from beartype import beartype
from numpy import floating
from numpy.typing import NDArray

# NumPy type hint matching all NumPy arrays of floats of arbitrary
# precision, equivalent to this beartype validator:
#     NumpyFloatArray = Annotated[
#         np.ndarray, IsAttr['dtype', IsAttr['type', IsSubclass[floating]]]]
NumpyFloatArray = NDArray[floating]

Common scalar dtype ABCs include:

  • numpy.integer, the superclass of all fixed-precision integer dtypes.

  • numpy.floating, the superclass of all fixed-precision floating-point dtypes.