Source code for beartype.door._cls.doorsuper

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# --------------------( LICENSE                            )--------------------
# Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Beartype authors.
# See "LICENSE" for further details.

Beartype **Decidedly Object-Oriented Runtime-checking (DOOR) superclass**
(i.e., root of the object-oriented type hint class hierarchy encapsulating the
non-object-oriented type hint API standardized by the :mod:`typing` module).

This private submodule is *not* intended for importation by downstream callers.

# ....................{ TODO                               }....................
#FIXME: Slot "TypeHint" attributes for lookup efficiency, please.
#FIXME: Privatize most (...or perhaps all) public instance variables, please.

# ....................{ IMPORTS                            }....................
from beartype.door._doorcheck import (
from beartype.door._cls.doormeta import _TypeHintMeta
from beartype.door._doortest import die_unless_typehint
from beartype.typing import (
from beartype._conf.confcls import (
from beartype._data.hint.datahinttyping import T
from beartype._util.cache.utilcachecall import (
from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilpepget import (
from beartype._util.hint.utilhinttest import is_hint_ignorable
from beartype._util.utilobject import get_object_type_basename

# ....................{ SUPERCLASSES                       }....................
#FIXME: Subclass all applicable "" ABCs for explicitness, please.
#FIXME: Document all public and private attributes of this class, please.
[docs]class TypeHint(Generic[T], metaclass=_TypeHintMeta): ''' Abstract base class (ABC) of all **type hint wrapper** (i.e., high-level object encapsulating a low-level type hint augmented with a magically object-oriented Pythonic API, including equality and rich comparison testing) subclasses. Sorting ------- **Type hint wrappers are partially ordered** with respect to one another. Type hints wrappers support all binary comparators (i.e., ``==``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, and ``>=``) such that for any three type hint wrappers ``a``, ``b`, and ``c``: * ``a ≤ a`` (i.e., **reflexivity**). * If ``a ≤ b`` and ``b ≤ c``, then ``a ≤ c`` (i.e., **transitivity**). * If ``a ≤ b`` and ``b ≤ a``, then ``a == b`` (i.e., **antisymmetry**). **Type hint wrappers are not totally ordered,** however. Like unordered sets, type hint wrappers do *not* satisfy **totality** (i.e., either ``a ≤ b`` or ``b ≤ a``, which is *not* necessarily the case for incommensurable type hint wrappers that *cannot* reasonably be compared with one another). Type hint wrappers are thus usable in algorithms and data structures requiring at most a partial ordering over their input. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from beartype.door import TypeHint >>> hint_a = TypeHint(Callable[[str], list]) >>> hint_b = TypeHint(Callable[Union[int, str], Sequence[Any]]) >>> hint_a <= hint_b True >>> hint_a > hint_b False >>> hint_a.is_subhint(hint_b) True >>> list(hint_b) [TypeHint(typing.Union[int, str]), TypeHint(typing.Sequence[typing.Any])] Attributes ---------- _args : Tuple[object, ...] Tuple of the zero or more low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper. _hint : T Low-level type hint wrapped by this wrapper. _hint_sign : beartype._data.hint.pep.sign.datapepsigncls.HintSign | None Either: * If this hint is PEP-compliant and thus uniquely identified by a :mod:`beartype`-specific sign, that sign. * Else (i.e., if this hint is an isinstanceable class), :data:`None`. _origin: type Either: * If this hint originates from an **isinstanceable class** such that all objects satisfying this hint are instances of that class, that class. * Else, the root superclass :class:`object` of *all* classes, guaranteeing sanity when this instance variable is passed as either the first or second parameters to the :func:`issubclass` builtin. ''' # ..................{ INITIALIZERS }.................. def __init__(self, hint: T) -> None: ''' Initialize this type hint wrapper from the passed low-level type hint. Parameters ---------- hint : object Low-level type hint to be wrapped by this wrapper. ''' # Classify all passed parameters. Note that this type hint is guaranteed # to be a type hint by validation performed by this metaclass __init__() # method. self._hint = hint # Sign uniquely identifying this and that hint if any *OR* "None" self._hint_sign = get_hint_pep_sign_or_none(hint) # Isinstance class originating this hint if any *OR* "None" otherwise, # defined as either... self._origin: type = ( # If this hint originates from an origin type, that type; get_hint_pep_origin_type_or_none(hint) or # Else, this hint does *NOT* originate from an origin type. In this # case, the root superclass "object" of *ALL* classes, guaranteeing # sanity when this instance variable is passed as either the first # or second parameters to the issubclass() builtin. object ) # Tuple of all low-level child type hints of this hint. self._args = self._make_args() # ..................{ DUNDERS }.................. def __hash__(self) -> int: ''' Hash of the low-level immutable type hint wrapped by this immutable wrapper. Defining this method satisfies the :class:`` abstract base class (ABC), enabling this wrapper to be used as in hashable containers (e.g., dictionaries, sets). ''' return hash(self._hint) def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' Machine-readable representation of this type hint wrapper. ''' # Unqualified name of the concrete subclass wrapping this hint. hint_wrapper_basename = get_object_type_basename(self) # If this concrete subclass is currently private, deviously hide this # implementation detail by defaulting to the unqualified name of this # public "TypeHint" superclass instead. if hint_wrapper_basename[0] == '_': hint_wrapper_basename = 'TypeHint' # Else, this concrete subclass is public. # Return this machine-readable representation. return f'{hint_wrapper_basename}({repr(self._hint)})' # ..................{ DUNDERS ~ compare : equals }.................. # Note that we intentionally avoid typing this method as returning # "Union[bool, NotImplementedType]". Why? Because mypy in particular has # epileptic fits about "NotImplementedType". This is *NOT* worth the agony! @method_cached_arg_by_id def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' ``True`` only if the low-level type hint wrapped by this wrapper is semantically equivalent to the other low-level type hint wrapped by the passed wrapper. This tester is memoized for efficiency, as Python implicitly calls this dunder method on hashable-based container lookups (e.g., :meth:`dict.get`) expected to be ``O(1)`` fast. Parameters ---------- other : object Other type hint to be tested against this type hint. Returns ------- bool ``True`` only if this type hint is equal to that other hint. ''' # If that object is *NOT* a type hint wrapper, defer to either: # * If the class of that object defines a similar __eq__() method # supporting the "TypeHint" API, that method. # * Else, Python's builtin C-based fallback equality comparator that # merely compares whether two objects are identical (i.e., share the # same object ID). if not isinstance(other, TypeHint): return NotImplemented # Else, that object is also a type hint wrapper. # Defer to the subclass-specific implementation of this test. return self._is_equal(other) def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not (self == other) # ..................{ DUNDERS ~ compare : rich }.................. def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` if this hint is a subhint of the passed hint. ''' if not isinstance(other, TypeHint): return NotImplemented return self.is_subhint(other) def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` if this hint is a strict subhint of the passed hint. ''' if not isinstance(other, TypeHint): return NotImplemented return self.is_subhint(other) and self != other def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` if this hint is a superhint of the passed hint. ''' if not isinstance(other, TypeHint): return NotImplemented return self.is_superhint(other) def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` if this hint is a strict superhint of the passed hint. ''' if not isinstance(other, TypeHint): return NotImplemented return self.is_superhint(other) and self != other # ..................{ DUNDERS ~ iterable }.................. def __contains__(self, hint_child: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if the low-level type hint wrapped by the passed **type hint wrapper** (i.e., :class:`TypeHint` instance) is a child type hint originally subscripting the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this :class:`TypeHint` instance. ''' # Sgt. Pepper's One-liners GitHub Club Band. return hint_child in self._args_wrapped_frozenset def __iter__(self) -> Iterable['TypeHint']: ''' Generator iteratively yielding all **children type hint wrappers** (i.e., :class:`TypeHint` instances wrapping all low-level child type hints originally subscripting the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this :class:`TypeHint` instance). Defining this method satisfies the :class:`` abstract base class (ABC). ''' # For those who are about to one-liner, we salute you. yield from self._args_wrapped_tuple # ..................{ DUNDERS ~ iterable : item }.................. # Inform static type-checkers of the one-to-one correspondence between the # type of the object subscripting an instance of this class with the type of # the object returned by that subscription. Note this constraint is strongly # inspired by this erudite StackOverflow answer: # @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'TypeHint': ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Tuple['TypeHint', ...]: ... # Note that the actual implementation of this overload is intentionally: # * *NOT* decorated by the standard @overload decorator. # * *NOT* annotated by type hints. By PEP 484, only the signatures of # @overload-decorated callables are annotated by type hints. def __getitem__(self, index): ''' Either: * If the passed object is an integer, then this type hint wrapper was subscripted by either a positive 0-based absolute index or a negative -1-based relative index. In either case, this dunder method returns the **child type hint wrapper** (i.e., :class:`TypeHint` instance wrapping a low-level child type hint originally subscripting the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this :class:`TypeHint` instance) with the same index. * If the passed object is a slice, then this type hint wrapper was subscripted by a range of such indices. In this case, this dunder method returns a tuple of the zero or more child type hint wrappers with the same indices. Parameters ---------- index : Union[int, slice] Either: * Positive 0-based absolute index or negative -1-based relative index of the child type hint originally subscripting the parent type hint wrapped by this :class:`TypeHint` instance to be returned wrapped by a new :class:`TypeHint` instance. * Slice of such indices of the zero or more child type hints originally subscripting the parent type hint wrapped by this :class:`TypeHint` instance to be returned in a tuple of these child type hints wrapped by new :class:`TypeHint` instances. Returns ------- Union['TypeHint', Tuple['TypeHint', ...]] Child type hint wrapper(s) at these ind(ex|ices), as detailed above. ''' # Defer validation of the correctness of the passed index or slice to # the low-level tuple.__getitem__() dunder method. Though we could (and # possibly should) perform that validation here, doing so is non-trivial # in the case of both a negative relative index *AND* a passed slice. # This trivial approach suffices for now. return self._args_wrapped_tuple[index] # ..................{ DUNDERS ~ iterable : sized }.................. #FIXME: Unit test us up, please. def __bool__(self) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper was subscripted by at least one child type hint. ''' # See __len__() for further commentary. return bool(self._args_wrapped_tuple) #FIXME: Unit test us up, please. def __len__(self) -> int: ''' Number of low-level child type hints subscripting the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper. Defining this method satisfies the :class:`` abstract base class (ABC). ''' # Return the exact length of the same iterable returned by the # __iter__() dunder method rather than the possibly differing length of # the "self._args" tuple, for safety. Theoretically, these two iterables # should exactly coincide in length. Pragmatically, it's best to assume # nothing in the murky waters we swim in. return len(self._args_wrapped_tuple) # ..................{ PROPERTIES ~ read-only }.................. # Read-only properties intentionally defining *NO* corresponding setter. #FIXME: Unit test us up, please. @property def args(self) -> tuple: ''' Tuple of the zero or more low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper. ''' # Who could argue with a working one-liner? Not you. Surely, not you. return self._args @property def hint(self) -> T: ''' **Original type hint** (i.e., low-level PEP-compliant type hint wrapped by this wrapper at :meth:`TypeHint.__init__` instantiation time). ''' # Q: Can one-liners solve all possible problems? A: Yes. return self._hint @property def is_ignorable(self) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this type hint is **ignorable** (i.e., conveys *no* meaningful semantics despite superficially appearing to do so). While one might expect the set of all ignorable type hints to be both finite and small, this set is actually **countably infinite** in size. Countably infinitely many type hints are ignorable. This includes: * :attr:`typing.Any`, by design. * :class:`object`, the root superclass of all types. Ergo, parameters and return values annotated as :class:`object` unconditionally match *all* objects under :func:`isinstance`-based type covariance and thus semantically reduce to unannotated parameters and return values. * The unsubscripted :attr:`typing.Optional` singleton, which semantically expands to the implicit ``Optional[Any]`` type hint under :pep:`484`. Since :pep:`484` also stipulates that all ``Optional[t]`` type hints semantically expand to ``Union[t, type(None)]`` type hints for arbitrary arguments ``t``, ``Optional[Any]`` semantically expands to merely ``Union[Any, type(None)]``. Since all unions subscripted by :attr:`typing.Any` semantically reduce to merely :attr:`typing.Any`, the unsubscripted :attr:`typing.Optional` singleton also reduces to merely :attr:`typing.Any`. This intentionally excludes the ``Optional[type(None)]`` type hint, which the :mod:`typing` module reduces to merely ``type(None)``. * The unsubscripted :attr:`typing.Union` singleton, which semantically reduces to :attr:`typing.Any` by the same argument. * Any subscription of :attr:`typing.Union` by one or more ignorable type hints. There exists a countably infinite number of such subscriptions, many of which are non-trivial to find by manual inspection. The ignorability of a union is a transitive property propagated "virally" from child to parent type hints. Consider: * ``Union[Any, bool, str]``. Since :attr:`typing.Any` is ignorable, this hint is trivially ignorable by manual inspection. * ``Union[str, List[int], NewType('MetaType', Annotated[object, 53])]``. Although several child type hints of this union are non-ignorable, the deeply nested :class:`object` child type hint is ignorable by the argument above. It transitively follows that the ``Annotated[object, 53]`` parent type hint subscripted by :class:`object`, the :obj:`typing.NewType` parent type hint aliased to ``Annotated[object, 53]``, *and* the entire union subscripted by that :obj:`typing.NewType` are themselves all ignorable as well. * Any subscription of :attr:`typing.Annotated` by one or more ignorable type hints. As with :attr:`typing.Union`, there exists a countably infinite number of such subscriptions. (See the prior item.) * The :class:`typing.Generic` and :class:`typing.Protocol` superclasses, both of which impose no constraints *in and of themselves.* Since all possible objects satisfy both superclasses. Both superclasses are synonymous to the ignorable :class:`object` root superclass: e.g., .. code-block:: pycon >>> from typing as Protocol >>> isinstance(object(), Protocol) True >>> isinstance('wtfbro', Protocol) True >>> isinstance(0x696969, Protocol) True * Any subscription of either the :class:`typing.Generic` or :class:`typing.Protocol` superclasses, regardless of whether the child type hints subscripting those superclasses are ignorable or not. Subscripting a type that conveys no meaningful semantics continues to convey no meaningful semantics. For example, the type hints ``typing.Generic[typing.Any]`` and ``typing.Generic[str]`` are both equally ignorable – despite the :class:`str` class being otherwise unignorable in most type hinting contexts. * And frankly many more. And... *now we know why this tester exists.* This property is memoized for efficiency. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this type hint is ignorable. ''' # Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. return is_hint_ignorable(self._hint) # ..................{ CHECKERS }..................
[docs] def die_if_unbearable( self, # Mandatory flexible parameters. obj: object, # Optional keyword-only parameters. *, conf: BeartypeConf = BEARTYPE_CONF_DEFAULT, exception_prefix: str = 'die_if_unbearable() ', ) -> None: ''' Raise an exception if the passed arbitrary object violates this type hint under the passed beartype configuration. To configure the type of violation exception raised by this method, set the :attr:`.BeartypeConf.violation_door_type` option of the passed ``conf`` parameter accordingly. Parameters ---------- obj : object Arbitrary object to be tested against this hint. conf : BeartypeConf, optional **Beartype configuration** (i.e., self-caching dataclass encapsulating all settings configuring type-checking for the passed object). Defaults to ``BeartypeConf()``, the default ``O(1)`` constant-time configuration. exception_prefix : str, optional Human-readable label prefixing the representation of this object in the exception message. Defaults to a reasonably sensible string. Raises ------ ``conf.violation_door_type`` If this object violates this hint. beartype.roar.BeartypeDecorHintNonpepException If this hint is *not* PEP-compliant (i.e., complies with *no* Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) currently supported by :mod:`beartype`). beartype.roar.BeartypeDecorHintPepUnsupportedException If this hint is currently unsupported by :mod:`beartype`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from beartype.door import TypeHint >>> TypeHint(list[str]).die_if_unbearable( ... ['And', 'what', 'rough', 'beast,'], ) >>> TypeHint(list[str]).die_if_unbearable( ... ['its', 'hour', 'come', 'round'], list[int]) beartype.roar.BeartypeDoorHintViolation: Object ['its', 'hour', 'come', 'round'] violates type hint list[int], as list index 0 item 'its' not instance of int. ''' # One-liner, one love, one heart. Let's get together and code alright. die_if_unbearable( obj=obj, hint=self._hint, conf=conf, exception_prefix=exception_prefix, )
[docs] def is_bearable( self, # Mandatory flexible parameters. obj: object, # Optional keyword-only parameters. *, conf: BeartypeConf = BEARTYPE_CONF_DEFAULT, ) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if the passed arbitrary object satisfies this type hint under the passed beartype configuration. Parameters ---------- obj : object Arbitrary object to be tested against this hint. conf : BeartypeConf, optional **Beartype configuration** (i.e., self-caching dataclass encapsulating all settings configuring type-checking for the passed object). Defaults to ``BeartypeConf()``, the default constant-time configuration. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this object satisfies this hint. Raises ------ beartype.roar.BeartypeDecorHintForwardRefException If this hint contains one or more relative forward references, which this tester explicitly prohibits to improve both the efficiency and portability of calls to this tester. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from beartype.door import TypeHint >>> TypeHint(list[str]).is_bearable(['Things', 'fall', 'apart;']) True >>> TypeHint(list[int]).is_bearable( ... ['the', 'centre', 'cannot', 'hold;']) False ''' # One-liners justify their own existence. return is_bearable(obj=obj, hint=self._hint, conf=conf)
# ..................{ TESTERS ~ subhint }.................. # Note that the @method_cached_arg_by_id rather than @callable_cached # decorator is *ABSOLUTELY* required here. Why? Because the @callable_cached # decorator internally caches the passed "other" argument as the key of a # dictionary. Subsequent calls to this method when passed the same argument # lookup that "other" in that dictionary. Since dictionary lookups # implicitly call other.__eq__() to resolve key collisions *AND* since the # TypeHint.__eq__() method calls TypeHint.is_subhint(), infinite recursion!
[docs] @method_cached_arg_by_id def is_subhint(self, other: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this type hint is a **subhint** of the passed type hint. This tester method is memoized for efficiency. Parameters ---------- other : TypeHint Other type hint to be tested against this type hint. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this type hint is a subhint of that other hint. See Also -------- :func:`beartype.door.is_subhint` Further details. ''' # If the passed object is *NOT* a type hint wrapper, raise an exception. die_unless_typehint(other) # Else, that object is a type hint wrapper. # Return true only if either... return ( # That other hint is the "typing.Any" catch-all. By definition, that # hint is the superhint of *ALL* hints -- including "typing.Any" # itself. Ergo, this hint is necessarily a subhint of that hint. other._hint is Any or # Else, that other hint is *NOT* the "typing.Any" catch-all. In this # case, defer to the subclass-specific implementation of this test. self._is_subhint(other) )
def is_superhint(self, other: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this type hint is a **superhint** of the passed type hint. This tester method is memoized for efficiency. Parameters ---------- other : TypeHint Other type hint to be tested against this type hint. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this type hint is a superhint of that other hint. See Also -------- :func:`beartype.door.is_subhint` Further details. ''' # If the passed object is *NOT* a type hint wrapper, raise an exception. die_unless_typehint(other) # Else, that object is a type hint wrapper. # Return true only if this hint is a superhint of the passed hint. return other.is_subhint(self) # ..................{ PRIVATE }.................. # Subclasses are encouraged to override these concrete methods defaulting to # general-purpose implementations suitable for most subclasses. # ..................{ PRIVATE ~ factories }.................. def _make_args(self) -> tuple: ''' Tuple of the zero or more low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper, which the :meth:`TypeHint.__init__` method assigns to the :attr:`_args` instance variable of this wrapper. Subclasses are advised to override this method to set the :attr:`_args` instance variable of this wrapper in a subclass-specific manner. ''' # We are the one-liner. We are the codebase. return get_hint_pep_args(self._hint) # ..................{ PRIVATE ~ testers }.................. def _is_equal(self, other: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if the low-level type hint wrapped by this wrapper is semantically equivalent to the other low-level type hint wrapped by the passed wrapper. Subclasses are advised to override this method to implement the public :meth:`is_subhint` tester method (which internally defers to this private tester method) in a subclass-specific manner. Since the default implementation is guaranteed to suffice for *all* possible use cases, subclasses should override this method only for efficiency reasons; the default implementation calls the :meth:`is_subhint` method twice and is thus *not* necessarily the optimal implementation for subclasses. Notably, the default implementation exploits the well-known syllogism between two partially ordered items ``A`` and ``B``: * If ``A <= B`` and ``A >= B``, then ``A == B``. This private tester method is *not* memoized for efficiency, as the caller is guaranteed to be the public :meth:`__eq__` tester method, which is already memoized. Parameters ---------- other : TypeHint Other type hint to be tested against this type hint. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this type hint is equal to that other hint. ''' # Return true only if both... # # Note that this conditional implements the trivial boolean syllogism # that we all know and adore: "If A <= B and B <= A, then A == B". return ( # This union is a subhint of that object. self.is_subhint(other) and # That object is a subhint of this union. other.is_subhint(self) ) # ..................{ PRIVATE ~ testers : subhint }.................. def _is_subhint(self, other: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this type hint is a **subhint** of the passed type hint. Subclasses are advised to override this method to implement the public :meth:`is_subhint` tester method (which internally defers to this private tester method) in a subclass-specific manner. This private tester method is *not* memoized for efficiency, as the caller is guaranteed to be the public :meth:`is_subhint` tester method, which is already memoized. Parameters ---------- other : TypeHint Other type hint to be tested against this type hint. Returns ------- bool :data:`True` only if this type hint is a subhint of that other hint. See Also -------- :func:`beartype.door.is_subhint` Further details. ''' # Return true only if this hint is a subhint of *ANY* branch of that # other hint. return any( self._is_subhint_branch(other_branch) for other_branch in other._branches ) def _is_subhint_branch(self, branch: 'TypeHint') -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this type hint is a subhint of the passed branch of another type hint passed to a parent call of the :meth:`is_subhint` method, itself called by the :meth:`__le__` dunder method. Parameters ---------- branch : TypeHint Conditional branch of another type hint to be tested against. See Also -------- :meth:`__le__` Further details. ''' # If that branch is unsubscripted, assume that branch to have been # subscripted by "Any" and simply check for compatible origin types. if branch._is_args_ignorable: # print(f'is_subhint_branch({self}, {branch} [unsubscripted])') return issubclass(self._origin, branch._origin) # Else, that branch is subscripted. # Return true only if... return ( # That branch is also a type hint wrapper of the same concrete # subclass as this type hint wrapper *AND*... isinstance(branch, type(self)) and # The class originating this hint is a subclass of the class # originating that branch... issubclass(self._origin, branch._origin) and # All child type hints of this parent type hint are subhints of the # corresponding child type hints of that branch. all( self_child <= branch_child for self_child, branch_child in zip( self._args_wrapped_tuple, branch._args_wrapped_tuple) ) ) # ..................{ PRIVATE ~ properties : read-only }.................. # Read-only properties intentionally defining *NO* corresponding setter. @property # type: ignore @property_cached def _args_wrapped_tuple(self) -> Tuple['TypeHint', ...]: ''' Tuple of the zero or more high-level **child type hint wrappers** (i.e., :class:`TypeHint` instances) wrapping the low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper. This attribute is intentionally defined as a memoized property to minimize space and time consumption for use cases *not* accessing this attribute. ''' # One-liner, don't fail us now! return tuple(TypeHint(hint_child) for hint_child in self._args) @property # type: ignore @property_cached def _args_wrapped_frozenset(self) -> FrozenSet['TypeHint']: ''' Frozen set of the zero or more high-level child **type hint wrappers** (i.e., :class:`TypeHint` instances) wrapping the low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint wrapped by this wrapper. This attribute is intentionally defined as a memoized property to minimize space and time consumption for use cases *not* accessing this attribute. ''' return frozenset(self._args_wrapped_tuple) @property # type: ignore @property_cached def _branches(self) -> Iterable['TypeHint']: ''' Immutable iterable of all **branches** (i.e., high-level type hint wrappers encapsulating all low-level child type hints subscripting (indexing) the low-level parent type hint encapsulated by this high-level parent type hint wrappers if this is a union (and thus an instance of the :class:`UnionTypeHint` subclass) *or* the 1-tuple containing only this instance itself otherwise) of this type hint wrapper. This property enables the child type hints of both :pep:`484`- and :pep:`604`-compliant unions (e.g., :attr:`typing.Union`, :attr:`typing.Optional`, and ``|``-delimited type objects) to be handled transparently *without* special cases in subclass implementations. ''' # Default to returning the 1-tuple containing only this instance, as # *ALL* subclasses except "_HintTypeUnion" require this default. return (self,) @property # type: ignore @property_cached def _is_args_ignorable(self) -> bool: ''' :data:`True` only if this hint is effectively **unsubscripted** (i.e., either indexed by *no* child type hints or only indexed by ignorable child type hints). If :data:`True`, this hint can be trivially and efficiently evaluated by simply inspecting its :attr:`_origin` property. Relevant type hints include: * Unsubscripted type hint factories (e.g., ``Tuple``, ``Callable``). * Type hints subscripted only by ignorable child type hints (e.g., ``Tuple[Any, ...]``, ``Callable[..., Any]``). This boolean trivializes comparisons between syntactically unrelated type hints that are nonetheless semantically equivalent: e.g., .. code-block:: pycon >>> from beartype.door import TypeHint >>> from typing import Any, Tuple # These type hints are all semantically equivalent despite being # mostly syntactically unrelated. >>> TypeHint(tuple) == TypeHint(typing.Tuple) == \ ... TypeHint(typing.Tuple[Any, ...]) True Note that this property is *not* equivalent to the :meth:`is_ignorable` property. Although related, a non-ignorable parent type hint can trivially have ignorable child type hints (e.g., ``list[Any]``). ''' # Return true only if all child type hints subscripting this parent type # hint are themselves ignorable. # print(f'[_is_args_ignorable] {self}._args_wrapped_tuple: {self._args_wrapped_tuple}') return all( hint_child.is_ignorable for hint_child in self._args_wrapped_tuple)